Well-Known Member
The company doesn't want it to go to panel, either. And my BA always says that if the company wants to contest a supervisors working grievance based on video evidence they're free to do long as they pull the footage on the entire building so everyone can see just how much their supervisors work.You do not get to decide to take the case to panel, the BA does. If you're off just by 1 minute on you're hundreds of grievances your case could be thrown out. The company can pull out video footage if its gets that far. If your grievance case gets thrown out this will set precedence for future grievance hearings and will negatively impact the union. The union will not allow the case to go to panel. I know this because I have tried....
And I don't know about that whole "1 minute off" thing you said...that sounds patently ridiculous. It's impossible to time them exactly unless you're busy NOT working.