Grieve Faulty Ivis Technology Causing Harassment?



Yes, It is In Vehicle Information Systems supplied by DSI or Diversified Systems Industries bought by NEXQI Technologies.

Anyway, the whole thing is doing to be replaced by a NEW Motorola System next year which is gonna have wireless capabilities which makes this whole investigation pointless.

Well, I guess I am at square one and a harassment grievance ,,....maybe or I can forget the whole thing and take the aggravation. ( which I am not hard wired for )


Staff member
....OR you can start hounding the Motorola people right now, so at Day One with this new system idle time won't be counted on road.


Well-Known Member
WHEW.. glad that's settled.

It really isn't settled.
I offered to pay my dispatcher 4 dollars a day for one gallon of fuel which will give 45-60 minutes of idle time.
This would keep the starters from wearing out, the turbos from getting damaged and it would keep the driver warm/cool.
Nope.....can't do it.
Are you applying the parking break at all while you are waiting in traffic? If you are that would trip the idle hour counter on the engine.

I had an issue with this with one of the drivers that worked for me a couple of years ago. I had APU's on all the trucks so there was no need for idling. When I sat everyone down during for a safety meeting one of the other guys told me why it was doing that.


If they`re only talking don`t let it get to you. Try this trick, when they speak look them in the eye just nod up and down while singing show tunes in your head. Kind of like a blond woman. Nothing will enter your head but you`ll look like you care.:thumbup1:
LOL... Look them in the eye, but, also have a very big smile on your face. I find they really don't want you to smile at UPS. lol


Has anyone been disciplined over this "faulty info"? I was asked once about idle time I told them the truth. Stuck in traffic for over 20 mins. The responce I got was " Oh well nothing you can do about that". I have never been asked again not that my idle time varies much.


Well-Known Member
If they`re only talking don`t let it get to you. Try this trick, when they speak look them in the eye just nod up and down while singing show tunes in your head. Kind of like a blond woman. Nothing will enter your head but you`ll look like you care.:thumbup1:

I've heard another technique is to trace friend* y** on the roof of your mouth with your tounge.

Old International

Now driving a Sterling
Wait until your tractor is used by the preload to shift with. The IVIS tracks all that time also, and then reports it on the next timecard to be used. I run 60 to 75 minutes of idle time a day. On road supe chewed me out, and I explained it wasn't me. I didn't believe me, until he rode with me, and double checked my idle time. He never told me he was sorry for jumping on my case, but I never hear from him anymore about idle time.