Grill It Baby!


That’s Craptacular
Did I stutter?

Cooked unions diced very very small in a sauce or something is ok. Onions raw or with any type of size to them. Gross.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
For Cheryl,

View attachment 16389

Starting a nice wide fire.

View attachment 16390

Diffuser on.

View attachment 16391

Grate and top rack on. (I use the rack if I'm just doing one pizza because it is hotter up in the dome.)

View attachment 16392

Just about there.

View attachment 16393

On the grill. Note the pan.

View attachment 16394

And eight minutes later. I have found that 8-10 minutes at around 450º is the time to check it. You can always give it another minute or two.

Good luck.
Nicely done!