Ground taking over


Well-Known Member
And then we @It will be fine a leftist who hates working people and thinks they are lower class. LOL this particular Sub group is full of complete and total farces it’s like hanging out in the bar scene on Star Wars 😂



Well-Known Member
Get back to us when you know the difference between California and Arizona. I wouldn’t let you teach my dog.
I speed read and mistook Temple, Texas for Tempe, Arizona which is the exact same mistake you just made by thinking we were talking about California. Pretty stupid to make the same exact mistake you’re mocking someone else for making. And I’m not teaching anyone because it’s summer vacation. Have fun in your un-air conditioned truck while I’m at the beach, 🤡


Well-Known Member
I speed read and mistook Temple, Texas for Tempe, Arizona which is the exact same mistake you just made by thinking we were talking about California. Pretty stupid to make the same exact mistake you’re mocking someone else for making. And I’m not teaching anyone because it’s summer vacation. Have fun in your un-air conditioned truck while I’m at the beach, 🤡


Well-Known Member
I speed read and mistook Temple, Texas for Tempe, Arizona which is the exact same mistake you just made by thinking we were talking about California. Pretty stupid to make the same exact mistake you’re mocking someone else for making. And I’m not teaching anyone because it’s summer vacation. Have fun in your un-air conditioned truck while I’m at the beach, 🤡
Wait, are you mocking me for not having air-conditioning? You can search my comments I don’t want air-conditioning. I love the heat and the sweat glistening off my skin on a hot summer day. Drives women crazy.


Well-Known Member
LMAO you’re seriously going to respond with “I know you are but what am I?” What are you, four?
It seems quite often when a MAGA can't answer a follow up question regarding a controversial remark or accusation they made earlier, they accuse the person asking the question of being a racist. A fall back position that often fails to give them the cover they seek.


Well-Known Member
It seems quite often when a MAGA can't answer a follow up question regarding a controversial remark or accusation they made earlier, they accuse the person asking the question of being a racist. A fall back position that often fails to give them the cover they seek.
It seems quite often that when a a vapid leftist has nothing else left to say, they accuse you of being MAGA. Of course you’re wrong, and I am not accusing you of being racist. Your own words have done that. What cover what I need to seek from you? LOL.


Well-Known Member
It seems quite often that when a a vapid leftist has nothing else left to say, they accuse you of being MAGA. Of course you’re wrong, and I am not accusing you of being racist. Your own words have done that. What cover what I need to seek from you? LOL.
Your interpretation of my comments could not be more wrong. Given your complete lack of understanding of my posts I'll try harder next time to break my comments down to their simplest form in the hope that perhaps you'll understand them.


Well-Known Member
Your interpretation of my comments could not be more wrong. Given your complete lack of understanding of my posts I'll try harder next time to break my comments down to their simplest form in the hope that perhaps you'll understand them.
I didn’t misunderstand you said she made millions and makes her more valuable than someone else, so how valuable are you? Or maybe perhaps your mouth got in front of your brain again?


Well-Known Member
I didn’t misunderstand you said she made millions and makes her more valuable than someone else, so how valuable are you? Or maybe perhaps your mouth got in front of your brain again?
You pal VT made what he thought was a smart little crack about Taylor Swift's intellect. I responded by the fact that according to Forbes (6-01-23) her net worth is $740 million dollars.

Let me try once again to maybe get through to you. I commend those who make productive contributions. As evidenced by her gold albums and sold out concerts her songs bring comfort and happiness to millions.....So what are you doing with your life that rivals it?

Yes, she has made a lot of money and it serves as a testament to the willingness of millions to purchase the entertainment product she offers because of the happiness it brings them. And I'm certain that you too purchase products and services that makes you happy as well. So what makes you any different than them?


Well-Known Member
You pal VT made what he thought was a smart little crack about Taylor Swift's intellect. I responded by the fact that according to Forbes (6-01-23) her net worth is $740 million dollars.

Let me try once again to maybe get through to you. I commend those who make productive contributions. As evidenced by her gold albums and sold out concerts her songs bring comfort and happiness to millions.....So what are you doing with your life that rivals it?

Yes, she has made a lot of money and it serves as a testament to the willingness of millions to purchase the entertainment product she offers because of the happiness it brings them. And I'm certain that you too purchase products and services that makes you happy as well. So what makes you any different than them?
It serve as a testament , that she was smart enough to be in the right place at the right time not that she was more intelligent or more talented. For every Taylor Swift out there there’s 10 more people behind her, who probably had more talent and were smarter, but it did not have the breaks. That’s kind of how show business works.

But regardless, I can point to thousands of talented artist, and musicians who are successful, and who are miserable and even die in horrible circumstances
what makes you the arbiter of someone’s worth, and happiness?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It serve as a testament , that she was smart enough to be in the right place at the right time not that she was more intelligent or more talented. For every Taylor Swift out there there’s 10 more people behind her, who probably had more talent and were smarter, but it did not have the breaks. That’s kind of how show business works.

But regardless, I can point to thousands of talented artist, and musicians who are successful, and who are miserable and even die in horrible circumstances
what makes you the arbiter of someone’s worth, and happiness?
That is a thoughtful, lucid and concise statement. Grammatically sound, punctuation excellent. You left out the S in serves though. Still, I give it an A.