

nowhere special


Pees in the brown Koolaid
For those who think that guns arent necessary for self defense in this day and age...or who think that "prepping" is paranoid....think for a moment about Black Friday. Look at the behavior of the mobs of people who are lined up to get in to WalMart or Best Buy. They fight one another, they trample one another (sometimes to death), and it literally degenerates into a riot involving thousands of frantic and violent people. If people will behave this way in order to save a few bucks on a TV or a video game, how do you think they will behave during the aftermath of a natural disaster when they are waiting in line for necessities such as food, water or gas? And if you have these necessities and they dont, do you really think they will respect your rights to your property and obey the law under such circumstances?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Black Friday is a behavioral psychologists' dream.

And it is a corporate executives wet dream.

Seriously. How stupid do people have to be to willingly stand in line for hours in the rain or snow on a holiday with thousands of other people... in order to be herded into a store like cattle and trampled underfoot? Why do we as consumers tolerate being treated like this?


Well-Known Member
Black Friday is beginning to lose its lustre with more and more stores opening on Thanksgiving night. The ironic part is that there are better deals to be found as you get closer to Christmas.

Thank goodness my kids prefer I give them cash.


nowhere special
For those who think that guns arent necessary for self defense in this day and age...or who think that "prepping" is paranoid....think for a moment about Black Friday. Look at the behavior of the mobs of people who are lined up to get in to WalMart or Best Buy. They fight one another, they trample one another (sometimes to death), and it literally degenerates into a riot involving thousands of frantic and violent people. If people will behave this way in order to save a few bucks on a TV or a video game, how do you think they will behave during the aftermath of a natural disaster when they are waiting in line for necessities such as food, water or gas? And if you have these necessities and they dont, do you really think they will respect your rights to your property and obey the law under such circumstances?

If you have ever seen Doomsday Preppers (admittedly a reality show but does contain a few grains of truth) there is one strategy that some use - plan on stealing for others to survive if things fall apart.


Well-Known Member
Show me what you got for yourself for Christmas........oh, I paid my light bill !!

I give my kids $500 each for Christmas with which they can do whatever they want. My daughter plays hockey and called me in October asking if I could lend her $350 so that she could sign up for a local hockey league. I sent her a check for $500 and when she called I told her that is was an early Christmas present. My son, who is currently going for his MBA at Clarkson University, is going on a two-week school sponsored trip to Southeast Asia in the spring. Both my ex and I will be giving him $1K each to either go toward the trip or to pay for school-related expenses. The $1K will be his Christmas, graduation and birthday presents all rolled in to one.

Yes, it would be nice if they bought themselves something nice with the money, but sometime life gets in the way and the money needs to be used in a more practical way.


Staff member
I give my kids $500 each for Christmas with which they can do whatever they want. My daughter plays hockey and called me in October asking if I could lend her $350 so that she could sign up for a local hockey league. I sent her a check for $500 and when she called I told her that is was an early Christmas present. My son, who is currently going for his MBA at Clarkson University, is going on a two-week school sponsored trip to Southeast Asia in the spring. Both my ex and I will be giving him $1K each to either go toward the trip or to pay for school-related expenses. The $1K will be his Christmas, graduation and birthday presents all rolled in to one.

Yes, it would be nice if they bought themselves something nice with the money, but sometime life gets in the way and the money needs to be used in a more practical way.
Yikes, why do you give them so much? I thought they were adults. Isn't the daughter married?


Well-Known Member
They get $100 for their birthdays.

You are not the first person to think that what I give them is too much; in fact, I have had several customers ask if I would adopt them. I make good money, live a modest lifestyle and like to spoil my kids at Christmas.


Staff member
They get $100 for their birthdays.

You are not the first person to think that what I give them is too much; in fact, I have had several customers ask if I would adopt them. I make good money, live a modest lifestyle and like to spoil my kids at Christmas.

For their birthdays, my kids get a card. I am a cheap mf....