

Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
“Take the guns first, go through due process second."
--Joe Biden

I think this is a reasonable take when it comes to these maniacs. What do you guys think?
Nice low-quality bait. Everyone knows Trump said that and no, it's completely unreasonable. I will not give an inch on guns.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
This is how Florida deals with bank robbers. Proud to say this is my county. Watch the video. Amazing job the sniper did.



Legio patria nostra
This is how Florida deals with bank robbers. Proud to say this is my county. Watch the video. Amazing job the sniper did.

The art of the shot...


Retired 22 years
This is how Florida deals with bank robbers. Proud to say this is my county. Watch the video. Amazing job the sniper did.


Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Very true because some people are just fine with it and not very many people push back against it, thank goodness for GOA
Just saying some L.E. will do what they want. Our local county Sheriff is like that, he doesn't care that medical marijuana is legal here, he claims "I don't care it's still federally illegal my deputies will arrest you if found in possession" Now it get's thrown out in court, but the hassle of going to court. Some L.E. are just asshats.
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Inordinately Right
His bumpstock Executive order is the blue blueprint for the government to take your rights away with their signature. He probably Didn’t think about that, but he did open the door.
That was overturned though right?
I’m not certain I thought it was a tie vote or something like that.
Well it's official now...
