Half Empty? NFL



That doesn't make any sense. Try again. You should ask to have that removed because it's kinda stupid and pretty weak. I mean all you did was call me a :censored2: and tried to be clever but you just ended up looking stupid.

If you say so, Sweetie.


Well-Known Member
jeremy scahill‏Verified account @jeremyscahill 12h12 hours ago

Here is a quote from flaming leftist and Antifa member Antonin Scalia:


Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
The right wing is using our military personnel as a political tool to avoid a conversation about inequality and police brutality. That's what's really messed up about all this. Sad.
When you see able body people not working and maybe getting into trouble, are you thinking racism? I think there is a series of decisions that occur that results in this take a knee "protest". Some of it is legit most of it is life choices. Of course there are bad apples in all professions, including pro athletes.
These athletes are getting respect. Their getting paid.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Protesting athletes should try their hand at law enforcement or political office when they retire. It would serve the people their standing up for better. Until then stay in the locker room for your silent protest because you are being offensive to millions, for patriotic reasons.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Here is a novel suggestion one most of us are familiar with "work first grieve later"
So while they are working for a NFL team is part of their job description which the minimum salary is $465,000.,are they to stand for the national anthem? Maybe they could voice their displeasure elsewhere as is their right.


Well-Known Member
Here is a novel suggestion one most of us are familiar with "work first grieve later"
So while they are working for a NFL team is part of their job description which the minimum salary is $465,000.,are they to stand for the national anthem? Maybe they could voice their displeasure elsewhere as is their right.
on national tv is the perfect time they should be protesting. celebrities carry alot of influence.


Well-Known Member
NFL teams weren't even on the field for the anthem until 2009, when the DoD started paying NFL teams to use them as a recruiting tool.

Unsurprisingly, the anthem had neo-Confederate undertones when adopted by Hoover in 1931.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
on national tv is the perfect time they should be protesting. celebrities carry alot of influence.
Thanks Ricky not with me. The people who have influence with me are most of the hardworking men and women who go to work every day to support their families. Not a lot of Hollywood limousine liberals or overpaid athletes.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
NFL teams weren't even on the field for the anthem until 2009, when the DoD started paying NFL teams to use them as a recruiting tool.

Unsurprisingly, the anthem had neo-Confederate undertones when adopted by Hoover in 1931.
You can imagine any kind of interpretation you want but unfortunately your wrong. Just keep stirring.