Why are we giving up things and making less $ this contract compared to last contract? I thought you guys said the more UPS makes the more we take??????????????
WTH, where is it to read.
You consider $4 over five years a 'slight' raise ?
You need to get your head out of the sand and talk to some friends and neighbors
Oh, I get it , just like all the language in the contract that UPS violates and then they say it all interpretation... OK, I feel better now...shew.....I predict that regardless of what is in the contract, it will be the best contract ever.
The term "best" is so subjective it can mean anything and be interpreted differently by every person ... sort of like "integrity".
What are you talking about? Less money? I get to keep my gold plan medical in RI (which is amazing btw), a dollar a year in pension and health, $3.90 in raises. $32.26 an hour now and going to $36.16. In overtime that's $48.39 an hour to $54.24. Pension and health contributions are at $17.46 and will go to $22.46. So my first 40 hours I'll go from $49.73 per hour in compensation to $58.62. I will be getting free health, pension and a wage to bring me 100k a year. Name me 1 single person that will be making less than they do now? Why are you being one dimensional? I saw the "communist paper" say thing like "same as last contract". It's not the same, it's in addition to what you already have!Why are we giving up things and making less $ this contract compared to last contract? I thought you guys said the more UPS makes the more we take??????????????
+1 I can vouch for BUG. He's a big union guy. If he likes it its good. He is a legend in his parts.^^^^Thank You ^^^^