Family Leave Fridays!!!
Re: Concessions with record profits?????? are u serious hoffa and Hall?
#1 - You have absolutely NO IDEA what the co-pays & deductibles will be once all bargaining employees are merged under a unified health care plan.
#2 - If UPS contributes $5,000 toward your health insurance today, and $7,000 four years from now -- but you occur a slight increase in out-of-pocket costs -- it's not "concessionary."
#3 - PTers vastly outnumber FTers. If we don't like the contract, we could vote it down. Problem is Right To Freeload morons like ORLY!?! who will be enjoying a $4/hour raise & continued enjoyment no-cost benefits without paying for the privilege -- and without a vote on the contract.
Good job hall and hoffa dividing the part timers and full timers even more! Part time poverty gets even worse part timers have to pay more towards co pays and deductables. Way to screw over the current part time crew as well. All this after record profits!!!! SOLD OUT AGAIN!!!
#1 - You have absolutely NO IDEA what the co-pays & deductibles will be once all bargaining employees are merged under a unified health care plan.
#2 - If UPS contributes $5,000 toward your health insurance today, and $7,000 four years from now -- but you occur a slight increase in out-of-pocket costs -- it's not "concessionary."
#3 - PTers vastly outnumber FTers. If we don't like the contract, we could vote it down. Problem is Right To Freeload morons like ORLY!?! who will be enjoying a $4/hour raise & continued enjoyment no-cost benefits without paying for the privilege -- and without a vote on the contract.