Well-Known Member
Wow bloddy you say that we said we were better than everyone and cant show us were we said that but wont admit your wrong. I see you and tie have gone through the same deprogramming or maybe you and tie are the same person? Interesting you both need to color your words and are never on here at the same time but always come on right after each other. Multiple user names?
I can think of 2 things you wanted off the top of my head a buck compared to everyone else and higher starting wages for part timesr, am I wrong???.....I don't think so......I won't waste my time going though old posts and your locals website just to answer you any further. I have no Idea who tie is, but I am not he. I come from your neck of the woods. I told you I will be getting a Local 705 pension, I was a p-t hub guy and drove for years. You ever think that maybe your the one that's not thinking clearly and has been brainwashed by your leadership??...I do ! ! ( by the way I like colors )