If I am asked to talk about this Monday at the PCM, I think I will say that I can't be trusted to work in the dark and should be dispatched accordingly from now on.
Dark, rain, looking to the side for traffic. Not expecting a trailer parked in the lot behind all of our parked personal vehicles. No tractor , just a single trailer.
Dark, rain, looking to the side for traffic. Not expecting a trailer parked in the lot behind all of our parked personal vehicles. No tractor , just a single trailer.
I worked 11.5 hours and made $103/hr for the first 8 hours and then $68.82 for the rest. I totaled about $1083 for the day before taxes. I heard the runners and gunners were up to their usual foolishness. I figured that even those idiots would slow down and do things right on a day like this. Giving up the pay I just mentioned for bonus and guarantee at straight time is rather stupid in my opinion. But what else should we expect from those lame brains?
I worked until 10 pm blind on a route with my shelves all messed up, nothing sectioned to a couple of my shelves. They had to send a lot of drivers to come help me, more $ for everyone.