Hello, I'm curious if anyone has successfully navigated the UPS covid pay. I just missed the past week because I tested positive (and was sick as a dog.) I filled out the form and sent it in with the requested attachments. I was wondering how this works from here. Right now the time card viewer says I've burned through 4 days of sick time. Will they change this retroactively? I realized that there's probably an influx of claims right now and HR might have their hands full, but I also know HR can and will ghost us. Thanks for any information.
Used 7 of my 10 days last year when I was told by my doctor to quarantine even though I did not test positive but was in close contact. Got paid right away if I remember correctly, maybe a week later.
I am home again now after testing positive myself and contacted my BA. Told we are entitled to 10 days total so resubmitted the paperwork to get my last 3 days. If I'm out longer it's like
@MyTripisCut said, apply for short term disability. Last year when I looked into it, there was no one week waiting period with Covid. If I'm still feeling

ty this weekend I'll have to look into it again.