Has Obama Just Insured A 2nd Term?


golden ticket member
Moreluck will need to behave a wee bit. I seen our future King William with wife Kate will be visiting California, after their Canada visit.
Take plenty of pics, will ya, More ?
Oh, and make sure you don't bend over to them !

WTH does that last line even mean??????????????????????


Für Meno :)
I have more in common with the Queen then you, any day.
She is from German decent (like me), and lives in a commenwealth country (like me).
And just like England, we need her permission to shut down and re-open parlamant (just recently, again on May 3rd, after our elections).
Mind you, we have a Queens representative here that does it (that is selected by our government, not that of the English one nor Royal Family).
Many wanted William Shattner to be that person, but he didn't want the job.


golden ticket member
If you know so much, then why would you think I would bow to royals. Women don't bow. Go eat your spotted dick !!


Well-Known Member
A racist "joke", and I don't think you even realize it. If you said that to a Chinese-American, they'd punch you.

Redneck is also a racist "joke", and I don't think you even realize it. If you said that to this Red Blooded- American, I'd punch you.


golden ticket member
I can't resist



Für Meno :)
One out of how many? My guess is that most of the families had no problem with Obama's respectful ceremony. You are really grasping at straws now.

Good luck with that.
Out of 35 Million Canadians, the far right, and the US insurance companies found not even a handful of us, unhappy with our healthcare !
But, the few they found got rich on making US commercials and articles for them.
I would sell my healthcare soul for a million, too.


Strength through joy
Good luck with that.
Out of 35 Million Canadians, the far right, and the US insurance companies found not even a handful of us, unhappy with our healthcare !
But, the few they found got rich on making US commercials and articles for them.
I would sell my healthcare soul for a million, too.

What does this nonsense rambling have to do with this thread ?
Have you been over doing your liqor intake again ?


Engorged Member
And how many times do you plan on voting for him ?

Just once is enough. Only about 12% of Americans are certifiable (as in Tea-Bag morons), so Obama will win in a landslide. Will all of you lemmings jump-off a cliff when he wins? (fingers crossed).