Has Obama Just Insured A 2nd Term?


golden ticket member


Engorged Member
Not even close, but thanks for playing.

My congratulations are in order to you:
You are the most closed minded person I have never met.

You mock what you don't understand

That's OK. you don't understand what you mock. And your mind is completely closed to those who don't believe in God like you do. Typical Christian. Live my way..or else.



Well-Known Member
Who keeps bringing up Christianity?

You do.

Who's the hypocrite?

You are.

Who's the racist?

You are.

You are everything you accuse everyone else of being, and don't even see it.

It is to the point of being humorous so keep it up; laughter is an instant vacation and you've sent me on some world class cruises lately.


Engorged Member
Who keeps bringing up Christianity?

You do.

Who's the hypocrite?

You are.

Who's the racist?

You are.

You are everything you accuse everyone else of being, and don't even see it.

It is to the point of being humorous so keep it up; laughter is an instant vacation and you've sent me on some world class cruises lately.

My family demographic would instantly dissolve any hints of racism on my part. I bring up Christianity because it's people like you who give it a bad name. I graduated from a university with a religious affiliation, so I've had my share of required theology. And from what I know about Jesus, He would have a hard time understanding many of the practices on the Right.

You can quote me scripture and religious jargon all day long, and you still wouldn't have a clue of what Jesus stood for. You sir, are the hypocrite. I entered this in 45 seconds, which is more time than you're worth.

My family demographic would instantly dissolve any hints of racism on my part. I bring up Christianity because it's people like you who give it a bad name. I graduated from a university with a religious affiliation, so I've had my share of required theology. And from what I know about Jesus, He would have a hard time understanding many of the practices on the Right.

You can quote me scripture and religious jargon all day long, and you still wouldn't have a clue of what Jesus stood for. You sir, are the hypocrite. I entered this in 45 seconds, which is more time than you're worth.

What a crock. Family demographics does not give you a pass on racism. A few courses of forced theology, does not make you an expert on Christianity. What you actually know about Jesus would probably fill a thimble at best, your sentence,(I entered this in 45 seconds, which is more time than you're worth." pretty much proves that.


Well-Known Member
My family demographic would instantly dissolve any hints of racism on my part. I bring up Christianity because it's people like you who give it a bad name. I graduated from a university with a religious affiliation, so I've had my share of required theology. And from what I know about Jesus, He would have a hard time understanding many of the practices on the Right.

You can quote me scripture and religious jargon all day long, and you still wouldn't have a clue of what Jesus stood for. You sir, are the hypocrite. I entered this in 45 seconds, which is more time than you're worth.


You just sent me to the Bahamas.
Where you part of the debate team at the University?
I ask because your arguments are THE lamest, drivel laden pieces of work that I have ever seen.
Seriously, it is comical now.


Strength through joy
BOSTON (MarketWatch) — If you thought the housing crisis was bad, think again.

Average home prices are down 8% from a year ago, 3% over the quarter, and are falling at about 1% every month, according to Zillow.
And the percentage of homeowners in negative-equity positions — with a home worth less than its mortgage — has rocketed to 28%, a new crisis high.
Zillow now predicts prices will fall about 8% this year and says it no longer expects the market to bottom before 2012.

What a foolish boondoggle those tax breaks for home buyers have turned out to be. The government spent an estimated $22 billion between 2008 and 2010 on tax breaks to prop up the housing market. All it achieved was a brief suckers’ rally that ended last summer.
“As we said at the time, it was a giant waste of money,” says Mark Calabria, economist at the conservative Cato Institute. “None of these things really turned the housing market around. They just put off the adjustment for awhile.”


Strength through joy

While Barack Obama worries about the future of the Brazilian energy industry, Louisiana residents are feeling the pain of his administration’s unwise war against domestic oil and gas production. While the national unemployment rate has dropped in the past year, Louisiana’s employment picture has worsened. In New Orleans, the impact has been dramatic, as the unemployment rate has increased from 6.6% to 7.9% in the past year. It is even worse in Baton Rouge, which has experienced the largest 12-month unemployment rate increase in the country, from 6.6% to 8.2%. Statewide, the unemployment rate increased from 6.8% to 8.0% in the past year. Today, in Louisiana, there are 25,000 more unemployed workers, an increase of 18%, from this point last year. Most of these losses can be attributed to the administration’s ill-advised drilling moratorium.