Actually.... there would have to be at least a 2 day weekend in there because DOT requires a 34 hour reset to replenish your 60 allowed hours in a week. Then UPS would pick another day off for you(maybe at random). In any case, there are people that would prefer this setup over the existing 5 day week. And it would be spelled out on the bid sheet, so only the people who like those hours would bid.
I dont see the point in restricting peoples options. If we can give our fellow brothers and sisters more options for their work schedule, all the better.
In any four out of seven days, you cannot hit 60 hours (unless weather layover, etc.), so you do not need a restart. What is interesting is the new hours of service rules effective July 1, 2013. Concerning the restart, it states :
(1) Must include two periods from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m., home terminal time.
(2) May only be used once per week, 168 hours, measured from the beginning of the previous restart.
Personally, I am against the forcing of 4 10's on us. It is one part of a supplement that should never have been brought to the membership to vote on. Feeders is a 24/7 operation, and there is no reason that the days worked could not be a 4 P.M. Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday schedule, for example. For families, and people that enjoy spending time with nonUPS people, this would not be good. Of course, there is the language in the supplement TA that employees hired before August 1, 2013 shall not be "required" to fill the 10 4 jobs. LOL LOL When they cut a bunch of jobs, and there are only 10 4 jobs left, you will be "required" to take one of these jobs to stay in feeders.