Huge Member
Thanks, I am having the business agent aggressively pursue this......after my local hearing today they have focused more on the whole CLOH thing.... insisting that since I was aware that 7/24/09 was not a recognized holiday that I was dishonest by sheeting it so....the division HR manager referenced discipline letters from the past 9 months to add fuel to the fire..... late air and failure to remove a clerk package from my car on the pm side.......
Sorry to hear the termination sticks for now. It seems to me that if this had stayed "in center" then it would have been blown off in a day and at worse, written warning. Because it went to corporate, then all the sups in your division and district are pulling the "I gotta be tough because Atlanta is watching"
Another route you can go in defending yourself is that you have used the CLOH many times in the past. There must be some reports in the system files. You were not disciplined for it in the past and you felt it was ok to use. Hope you get this taken care of quickly.