Heard Any Good Ones: Part 2


golden ticket member
I was at my bank today; there was a short line. Just one lady in front of me, an Asian lady, who was trying to exchange yen for dollars.

It was obvious she was more than a little irritated...

She asked the teller, 'Why it change? Yesterday, I get two hunat dolla fo yen. Today I only get hunat eighty? Why it change?'

The teller shrugged his shoulders and said, 'Fluctuations.'

The Asian lady says, 'Fluc you white people too!'


golden ticket member
Dating vs. Marriage

When you are dating..... Farting is never an issue.
When you are married ....You make sure there's nothing flammable near your husband at all times.

When you are dating..... He takes you out to have a good time.
When you are married ....He brings home a 6 pack, and says "What are you going to drink?"

When you are dating..... He holds your hand in public.
When you are married ....He flicks your ear in public.

When you are dating..... A Single bed for 2 isn't THAT bad.
When you are married ....A King size bed feels like an army cot.

When you are dating..... You are turned on at the sight of him naked.
When you are married ....You think to yourself "Was he ALWAYS this hairy????"

When you are dating..... You enjoyed foreplay.
When you are married ....You tell him "If we have sex, will you leave me alone???"

When you are dating..... He hugs you, when he walks by you for no reason.
When you are married ....He grabs your boob any chance he gets.

When you are dating..... You picture the two of you together, growing old together.
When you are married ....You wonder who will die first.

When you are dating..... Just looking at him makes you feel all "mushy."
When you are married ....When you look at him, you want to claw his eyes out.

When you are dating..... He knows what the "hamper" is.
When you are married ....The floor will suffice as a dirty clothes storage area.

When you are dating..... He understands if you "Aren't in the mood."
When you are married ....He says "It's your job."

When you are dating..... He understands that you have "male" friends.
When you are married ....He thinks they are all out to steal you away.

When you are dating..... He likes to "discuss" things.
When you are married ....He develops a "blank" stare.

When you are dating..... He calls you by name.
When you are married ....He calls you "Hey" and refers to you when speaking to others as "She."


golden ticket member
Which windshield wiper blade always quits first? That's right... the driver's side. This happened to me one day while driving home in the middle of a blinding storm. Unable to see, I pulled over and tried to figure out a quick fix. I found it in a yellow cotton work glove lying on the floor. I wedged the cloth hand under the wiper arm. It did a great job keeping my windshield clear. Not only that...you'd be surprised at how many people waved back.


golden ticket member

2000 B.C. – Here, eat this root

1000 A.D. – That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.

1850 A.D. – That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.

1940 A.D. – That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.

1985 A.D. – That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.

2009 A.D. – That antibiotic doesn’t work anymore. Here, eat this root


golden ticket member
Subject: Nancy Reagan's Letter

You might recall that John Hinckley was a seriously deranged young man who shot President Reagan in the early 1980's.

Hinckleywas absolutely obsessed with movie star Jodie Foster, extremely jealous, and in his twisted mind, loved Jodie Foster to the point that to make himself well known to her, he attempted to assassinate President Reagan.
There is speculation Hinckleymay soon be released as having beenrehabilitated. Consequently, you may appreciate the following letter from Nancy Reagan to John Hinckly:

To: John Hinckley
From: Mrs. Nancy Reagan

My family and I wanted to drop you a short note to tell you how pleased we are with the great strides you are making in your recovery. In our fine country's spirit of understanding and forgiveness, we want you to know there is a nonpartisan consensus of compassion and forgiveness throughout.

The Reagan family and I want you to know that no grudge is borne against you for shooting President Reagan. We, above all, are aware of how the mental stress and pain could have driven you to such an act of desperation. We are confident that you will soon make a complete recovery and return to your family to join the world again as20a healthy and productive young man.

Best wishes,
Nancy Reagan & Family

P.S. While you have been incarcerated, Barack Obama has been banging Jodie Foster like a screen door in a tornado. You might want to look into that.


golden ticket member
More Thoughts
Life is sexually transmitted.

Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich.

Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks.

Some people are like a Slinky ... not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.

Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

Why does a slight tax increase cost you £500.00 and a substantial tax cut saves you £0.30?

In the '60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

We know exactly where one cow with Foot and Mouth disease is located among the millions of cows in Britain, but we haven't got a clue as to where thousands of illegal immigrants and terrorists are located. Maybe we should put the Department of Agriculture in charge of immigration.

'Life is like a jar of jalapeños. What you do today might burn your ass tomorrow'


golden ticket member
The Carpool
A man learned shortly before quitting time that he had to attend a meeting. He tried unsuccessfully to locate his car-pool members to let them know that he would not be leaving with them.
Hastily he scribbled a message to one fellow and left it on his desk: "I have a last-minute meeting. Leave without me. Dave.
At 7:00 p.m., the man stopped at his desk and found this note: "Meet us at the bar and grill across the street. You drove, you idiot."


Well-Known Member
Forgive me if this one has been told here already, I haven't read all 2493 previous jokes!

A couple are in the hospital to have a baby. The doctor tells them about a new technology where the mother can be hooked up to a machine and it transfers some of the birth pain to the father. That way he can truly feel that he participated in the birth of his child and make it easier on his wife. He agrees to do it to help his wife through the birth.
The doc hooks up the wife and turns the pain transfer to 20%. The husband doesn't feel anything and tells the doc to turn it up. The doc turns it up to 40%. Still the husband doesn't feel anything. He's thinking "What's the big deal?" and tells the doc to turn it all the way up. The doc cranks it up to 100% and the husband just smiles as the wife has the easiest birth ever.
That night when the husband got home from the hospital he found the UPS man dead in the yard!


golden ticket member

Class on Emotional Extremes..........

Students in the psychology program at a Southern University were attending their first class on emotional extremes.

"In order to establish some parameters," the professor said to a student from Alabama, "What is the opposite of joy?"
"Sadness," replied the student.
"And what is the opposite of depression?" the professor asked a young lady from Mississippi.
"Elation," she answered. "And you, young man," he said to a student from Texas, "what about the opposite of woe?" "Well, sir, I believe that would be 'giddy-up'," the Texan replied.


golden ticket member
I was confused when I heard the word 'service'used with these agencies:

Internal Revenue 'Service'
U.S. Postal 'Service'
Cable TV'Service'
Civil 'Service'
State, City, County & Public 'Service'
Customer 'Service'

This is not what I thought 'service' meant.
But today, I overheard two farmers talking, and one of them said he had hired a bull to 'service' a few cows.
BAM!!! It all came into focus.
Now I understand what all those agencies are doing to us.
Now you are as enlightened as I am.


golden ticket member
Dave Barry is a Pulitzer Prize-winning humor
> columnist for the Miami Herald.
> Dave Barry's Colonoscopy Journal:
> I called my friend Andy Sable, a
> gastroenterologist, to make an appointment
> for a colonoscopy. A few days later, in his office,
> Andy showed me a colored diagram of the colon,

> a lengthy organ that appears to go all over the place,

> at one point passing briefly through Minneapolis. Then
> Andy explained the colonoscopy procedure to me in a thorough,
> reassuring and patient manner. I nodded thoughtfully,

> but I didn't really hear anything he said, because my brain
> was shrieking,quote, 'HE'S GOING TO STICK A TUBE
> I left Andy's office with some written
> instructions, and a prescription for
> a product called MoviPrep, which comes in a box

> large enough to hold a microwave oven.

> I will discuss MoviPrep in detail later; for now suffice it to
> say that we must never allow it to fall into the hands

> of America's enemies.
> I spent the next several days product ively sitting
> around being nervous.
> Then, on the day before my colonoscopy, I began my
> preparation. In accordance with my instructions,

> I didn't eat any solid food that day; all I had was
> chicken broth, which is basically water, only with
> less flavor. Then, in the evening, I took the MoviPrep.

> You mix two packets of powder together in a
> one-liter plastic jug,and then you fill it with
> lukewarm water. (For those unfamiliar with the metric system,

> a liter is about 32 gallons.) Then you have to
> drink the whole jug. This takes about an hour,
> because MoviPrep tastes - and here I am being kind -

> like a mixture of goat spit and urinal cleanser, with just
> the slightest hint of lemon.
> The instructions for MoviPrep, clearly written by
> somebody with a great sense of humor, state that after

> you drink it, 'a loose watery bowel movement may
> result.' This is kind of like saying that after you
> jump off your roof, you may experience contact

> with the ground.
> MoviPrep is a nuclear laxative. I don't want to be
> too=2
0graphic, here, but: Have you ever seen a

> space-shuttle launch? This is pretty much the MoviPrep
> experience, with you as the shuttle.. There are
> times when you wish the commode had a seat belt.

> You spend several hours pretty much confined to the
> bathroom, spurting violently. You eliminate everything.

> And then, when you figure you must be totally empty,

> you have to drink another liter of MoviPrep, at
> which point, as far as I can tell, your bowels
> travel into the future and start eliminating food

> that you have not even eaten yet.
> After an action-packed evening, I finally got to
> sleep. The next morning my wife drove me to the clinic.

> I was very nervous. Not only was I worried about
> the procedure, but I had been experiencing
> occasional return bouts of MoviPrep spurtage.

> I was thinking, 'What if I spurt on Andy?'

> How do you apologize to a friend for something like that?

> Mere flowers and chocolates would not be enough.
> At the clinic I had to sign many forms acknowledging

> that I understood and> totally agreed with whatever the heck

> the forms said. Then they led me to a
> room full of20other colonoscopy people, where I went
> inside a little curtained space and took off all my clothes

> and put on one of those hospital garments

> designed by sadist perverts - the kind that, when
> you put it on, it makes you feel even more defenseless

> than when you were actually unclad.
> Then a nurse named Eddie put a little needle in a
> vein in my left hand.
> Ordinarily I would have fainted, but Eddie was very
> good, and I was already lying down. Eddie also told me

> that some people put vodka in their MoviPrep. At first

> I was ticked off that I hadn't thought of this,

> but then I pondered what would happen if you got

> your self too tipsy to make it to the bathroom, and you
> were staggering around in full Fire Hose Mode. You
> would have had no choice but to burn your house.
> When everything was ready, Eddie wheeled me into
> the procedure room, where Andy was waiting with a

> nurse and an anesthesiologist. I did not see the
> 17,000-foot tube,but I knew Andy had it hidden
> around there somewhere. I was seriously tense by this point.

> Andy had me rollC2over on my left side, and the
> anesthesiologist began hooking something up to the
> needle in my hand. There was music playing in the room,

> and I realized that the song was 'Dancing Queen'
> by Abba. I remarked to Andy that, of all the songs
> that could be playing during this particular procedure,

> this one had to be the least ap
> 'You want me to turn it up?' said Andy, from
> somewhere behind me. 'Ha ha,' I said.

> And then it was time, the moment I had been
> dreading for more than a decade. If you are squeamish,

> prepare yourself,because I am going to tell
> you,in explicit detail,exactly what it was like.
> I have no idea! Really. I slept through it. One
> moment, Abba was shrieking
> 'Dancing Queen! Feel the beat from the tambourine'
> and the next moment, I was back in the other room,

> waking up in a very mellow mood. Andy was looking
> down at me and asking me how I felt. I felt
> excellent. I felt even more excellent when Andy

> told me that it was all over, and that my colon

> had passed with flying colors. I have never been

> more proud of an internal organ.
> ( I would say 'Cheers', but somehow the expression
> 'Up Yours' has a more appropriate ring to it.
Hope you liked the article


golden ticket member
Some of you may recall - on July 8, 1947, a little over 60 years ago, witnesses claim an unidentified flying object (UFO) with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and mule ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and other federal agencies and organizations.

However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of April 1948, nine months after that historic day, the following people were born:

Albert A. Gore, Jr.

Hillary Rodham

John friend. Kerry

William J. Clinton

Howard Dean

Nancy Pelosi

Dianne Feinstein

Charles E. Schumer

Barbara Boxer

Amazing what happens when aliens breed with sheep and jackasses - -


golden ticket member

July is the peak month for ice cream sales in the U.S. and:

Lasagna Awareness Month

National Baked Bean Month

National Culinary Arts Month

National Horseradish Month

National Hot Dog Month

National Ice Cream Month

National July Belongs to Blueberries Month

National Picnic Month

National Pickle Month


I Love Mustard

As ham sandwiches go, it was perfection: a thick
slab of ham on a fresh bun with crisp lettuce and plenty of expensive, light
brown, Gourmet Mustard.

The corners of my jaw aching in anticipation, I carried it to the table in our backyard, picked it up with both hands, but was stopped by my wife suddenly at my side.

Here, hold Johnny (our six-week-old son) while I get my sandwich,' she said.

I had him balanced between my left elbow and shoulder and was reaching again for the ham sandwich when I noticed a streak of mustard on my fingers.

I love mustard.

I had no napkin.

I licked it off.

It was not mustard.

No man ever put a baby down faster.

It was the first and only time I have sprinted with my tongue protruding out.

With a washcloth in each hand, I did the sort of routine shoeshine boys do, only I did it on my tongue.

Later, after she stopped crying from laughing so hard, my wife Said, 'Now you know why they call that fancy mustard Poupon.''



golden ticket member
Lobster Tales
A guy was down on Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco when he saw a seafood restaurant and a sign on the Specials Board which read, "Big Lobster Tales, $5 each." Amazed at the great value, he said to the waitress, "$5 each for lobster tails ... is that correct?"
"Yes", she said, "It's our special just for today."
"Well", he said, "they must be little lobster tails."
"No," she replied, "It's the really big lobster."
Are you sure they aren't green lobster tails - and a little bit tough?"
"No", she said, "it's the really big red lobster."
"Big red lobster tails, $5 each?", he said, amazed. "They must be old lobster tails!"
"No, they're definitely today's."
"Today's big red lobster tails - $5 each?", he repeated, astounded.
"Yes", she insisted.
"Well, here's my five dollars," he said, "I'll take one.
She took the money and led him to a table where she invited him to sit down. She then sat down next to him, put her hand on his shoulder, leaned over close to him and said, "Once upon a time there was a really big red lobster ..."


Well-Known Member
I was confused when I heard the word 'service'used with these agencies:

Internal Revenue 'Service'
U.S. Postal 'Service'
Cable TV'Service'
Civil 'Service'
State, City, County & Public 'Service'
Customer 'Service'

This is not what I thought 'service' meant.
But today, I overheard two farmers talking, and one of them said he had hired a bull to 'service' a few cows.
BAM!!! It all came into focus.
Now I understand what all those agencies are doing to us.
Now you are as enlightened as I am.

You forgot United Parcel 'Service'. And yeah, we're getting screwed!


golden ticket member
GOLF .........

Frank and his buddies were hanging out and planning a 5-day golf trip.
Unfortunately, he had to tell them that he couldn't go because his wife
wouldn't let him.
After a lot of teasing and name calling, Frank headed home totally
frustrated. The following week when Frank's buddies arrived at the golf
resort, they were shocked to see Frank sitting in the lobby, drinking a
beer, holding his putter!

"How did you talk your wife into letting you go, Frank?"

"I didn't have to," Frank replied. "Last I night I slumped down in my
chair with a beer to drown my sorrows. Then, my wife snuck up behind me
and covered my eyes and said, 'Surprise.' When I peeled her hands back,
she was standing there in a beautiful see-through negligee and said,
'Carry me into the bedroom and tie me to the bed, and then you can do
whatever you want'......SO HERE I AM !"


golden ticket member
Subject: Fwd: Meanwhile in heaven!

Michael Jackson is in heaven and he is black again. So he asked God what he could do to whiten himself again - when all of a sudden he hears.....

"Hi - Billy Mays here with OxyClean."



golden ticket member
A man was driving when a traffic camera flashed..

He thought his picture was taken for exceeding the speed limit, even though he knew he was not speeding.

Just to be sure, he went around the block and passed the same spot, driving even more slowly, but again the camera flashed.

He thought this was quite funny, so he slowed down even further as he drove past the area, but the traffic camera flashed yet again.

He tried a fourth time with the same result.

The fifth time he was laughing when the camera flashed as he rolled past at a snail's pace.

Two weeks later, he got five traffic fine letters in the mail for driving without a seat belt.
Men . . . .