No Susie I didn't hear what Bush said about Roe v Wade and to be honest I don't really care because IMO contary to all the hype from both sides I don't think Roe/Wade is going anywhere at all. Both sides hype it for politcal mileage just as they do the gun issue, environmental issue, etc. etc. They have no intention of doing anything positive one way or the other to solve the problem because if they really solved the problems once and for all then what would we need them or their ever expanding bureacracy for? Why would you pay a package car driver to ride around when there are no packages to pick up or deliver? Gov't is a business and business must create new business to thrive and grow so in it's very nature of survival it can't completely and forever solve a problem.
Personally on this issue of abortion it is a private matter and none of my business or anyone else but having said that I also believe it should have never risen to a Federal issue. This is totally a matter of State and local jurisdiction as I do not believe in Federal police powers at all nor did our founding fathers. 14th amendment and subsequent legislation has been used to create this centralized monster in Washington under one of the worse forms of societal organizations and that is democracy. Ironic how you loved the lynch mob when you were a part of the lynching party and felt empowered but the political winds have changed and now you find yourself at the end of the rope. Majority rules is a wonderful thing and force is double sweet when backed by the majority but the real danger to this process is when one finds themselves a minority and thus the will of majority is harmful and even sometimes deadly to the minority person.
If we don't pull back from the abyss and begin to recognize the individual as such and that many things are just off limits period then we are doomed to not only destroy ourselves but it's just a natural extension to once we've centralized and regulated ourselves to want to reach out to others in other communities (read foreign expansion here)and do it to them unless we dare see them as maybe having more freedoms and begin to wake up. Soemtimes this is done as a cost effective move as like any business good results for the lowest cost is always the best way. I happen for example to believe this mainly is the reason the Iraq war took place but like the simpletons we are, Washington was never able to really tell us the truth. Neither political side will as the game must be played. The raw truth in this would to quote Jack Nicholson's character in a movie (can't remember the name) with Tom Cruise where he shouted, "You can't handle the truth!" That is the American society in a nutshell IMO.
Remember, if you are gonna insist the federal gov't grant oversight on one health isssue such as abortion for example then by legal presidence which they are taking, you also grant them the power of oversight in other areas of health such as war on drugs (both physical and mental) and war on porn (mental). Naturally, this in time would include foreign threats that may threaten the internal peace so these have to be addressed as well.
Gov't is like an unrulely child. Give them an inch and they will take hundreds of miles and there's no stopping them. Always remember that now with the centralized collective powers in Washington you may from time to time have people running the show that will do things contary to what you believe is right and my even violate the basis of your unalienable rights but hey, you wanted democracy so be happy you've got it!
Sorry about imposing on this thread of humor with stuff like this. My last post of this nature here out of respect for you.
Personally on this issue of abortion it is a private matter and none of my business or anyone else but having said that I also believe it should have never risen to a Federal issue. This is totally a matter of State and local jurisdiction as I do not believe in Federal police powers at all nor did our founding fathers. 14th amendment and subsequent legislation has been used to create this centralized monster in Washington under one of the worse forms of societal organizations and that is democracy. Ironic how you loved the lynch mob when you were a part of the lynching party and felt empowered but the political winds have changed and now you find yourself at the end of the rope. Majority rules is a wonderful thing and force is double sweet when backed by the majority but the real danger to this process is when one finds themselves a minority and thus the will of majority is harmful and even sometimes deadly to the minority person.
If we don't pull back from the abyss and begin to recognize the individual as such and that many things are just off limits period then we are doomed to not only destroy ourselves but it's just a natural extension to once we've centralized and regulated ourselves to want to reach out to others in other communities (read foreign expansion here)and do it to them unless we dare see them as maybe having more freedoms and begin to wake up. Soemtimes this is done as a cost effective move as like any business good results for the lowest cost is always the best way. I happen for example to believe this mainly is the reason the Iraq war took place but like the simpletons we are, Washington was never able to really tell us the truth. Neither political side will as the game must be played. The raw truth in this would to quote Jack Nicholson's character in a movie (can't remember the name) with Tom Cruise where he shouted, "You can't handle the truth!" That is the American society in a nutshell IMO.
Remember, if you are gonna insist the federal gov't grant oversight on one health isssue such as abortion for example then by legal presidence which they are taking, you also grant them the power of oversight in other areas of health such as war on drugs (both physical and mental) and war on porn (mental). Naturally, this in time would include foreign threats that may threaten the internal peace so these have to be addressed as well.
Gov't is like an unrulely child. Give them an inch and they will take hundreds of miles and there's no stopping them. Always remember that now with the centralized collective powers in Washington you may from time to time have people running the show that will do things contary to what you believe is right and my even violate the basis of your unalienable rights but hey, you wanted democracy so be happy you've got it!
Sorry about imposing on this thread of humor with stuff like this. My last post of this nature here out of respect for you.