Herman Cain


Thanks to this shaky Obama economy I, like most Americans, have been doing more saving than spending. I've gotta put some money behind those who I believe in otherwise we may never make it out of this mess.
The economy was messed up and wilting away whether Obama was elected or not. A waste of four years? Absolutely, but It matters not which suit is in the White House when you are not either (1) at the top of the elite or (2) at the bottom of the poorhouse. Those are the only two types of people who benefit from voting and supporting. Save your money.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Thanks to this shaky Obama economy I, like most Americans, have been doing more saving than spending. I've gotta put some money behind those who I believe in otherwise we may never make it out of this mess.

You would think you would be kissing Obamas feet for a "shaky" economy versus the disasterous economy of the BUSH administration. By your own account, going from disaster to shaky would be a step forward in the right direction.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The only thing dumbfounding is watching this country going to hell in a handbasket and cheering it on as you and Baghdad bob do.

I will be contributing more, but its best to hedge my bets incase Herman isn't the nominee. I have never felt compelled to contribute to a political candidate before now, and right now the only candidate worthy of my money is Herman Cain.
Sent mine in too.


Für Meno :)
Sent mine in too.

So, you and Brett believe in his 9, 9, 9 tax plan ?

9% corporate taxes will indeed be the lowest in the G8, and the western world, maybe even the entire world.
US companies can sit on even more trillions then they do now.

And to off set those tax breaks, the US consumer will pay an extra 9% on a new National Sales Tax.
Combined with State Sales taxes, some will be paying close to 20% on everything they purchase.

If that new National Sales tax is anything like ours, then all services will be taxed, too.
Electricity, Natural gas, water, even the gas at the pump goes up by 9%. Besides of course all other things, like a postage stamp, hotels, restaurants, concert and sport tickets, etc.

Mind you, in a way it's fair, those that spend more, pay more, but I'm not sure it will boost up production in the US, unless US exports rise a lot, where the extra 9% tax doesn't apply.

I suppose it would be a new beginning for the US, since most other countries have a National Sales tax in place, too.
But, it might hurt tourisum, and probably stop most Canadians from cross border shopping.

Personally, I highly doubt that Americans would vote for someone that wants to impose an additional 9% tax on everyone, esspecially the 50 Million unemployed, and to those that are otherwise not working, since they won't benefit from the only 9% income tax code.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, let's send our hard earned money to some anti-muslim, corporate tool because he regurgitates a few good talking points . Talk about the country going to hell in a handbasket...keep supporting these fools to run the country...bad enough people vote, worse donate their cash.


Speaking of donating money, everyone is noticing Herman Cain after the Florida Straw poll and on it's face it does look impressive. However, if you drill down into the straw poll process, you learn it's a fund raiser for the Florida GOP in which they charge you $175 per shot to vote. As general indicator of Cain's mass appeal, this poll means little to nothing. It might however indicate something on the monetary side that his supporters have cash but can and will that translate into votes?

All these straw polls are a measure of campaigns and their ability to rally volunteers and IMO little else should be taken from them. The GOP will paint Obama in the extreme and as a counterpoint, offer a centrist like Romney or maybe a Chris Christie if he runs. The GOP will herd the masses, they will vote the party line same as the mindless democrats do and all will go back to watching the latest offering of American Gladiator the very next day. Go back to sleep America, nothing here to see, move along, move along. We are in control!

BTW Sleeve: Have you heard or have you kept up with the "Occupy Wall Street" protests? As we speak, plans are organizing to do similar in Chicago and occupy the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago. Be interesting to watch. What will bailing out the IMF mean should that occur?


golden ticket member
So, you and Brett believe in his 9, 9, 9 tax plan ?

9% corporate taxes will indeed be the lowest in the G8, and the western world, maybe even the entire world.
US companies can sit on even more trillions then they do now.

And to off set those tax breaks, the US consumer will pay an extra 9% on a new National Sales Tax.
Combined with State Sales taxes, some will be paying close to 20% on everything they purchase.

If that new National Sales tax is anything like ours, then all services will be taxed, too.
Electricity, Natural gas, water, even the gas at the pump goes up by 9%. Besides of course all other things, like a postage stamp, hotels, restaurants, concert and sport tickets, etc.

Mind you, in a way it's fair, those that spend more, pay more, but I'm not sure it will boost up production in the US, unless US exports rise a lot, where the extra 9% tax doesn't apply.

I suppose it would be a new beginning for the US, since most other countries have a National Sales tax in place, too.
But, it might hurt tourisum, and probably stop most Canadians from cross border shopping.

Personally, I highly doubt that Americans would vote for someone that wants to impose an additional 9% tax on everyone, esspecially the 50 Million unemployed, and to those that are otherwise not working, since they won't benefit from the only 9% income tax code.

"The plan calls for completely scrapping the tax code and replacing it with a 9 percent business flat tax, a 9 percent personal flat tax and a 9 percent national sales tax." Where does it show us keeping the current sales tax and adding an additional 9% ???


Für Meno :)
"The plan calls for completely scrapping the tax code and replacing it with a 9 percent business flat tax, a 9 percent personal flat tax and a 9 percent national sales tax." Where does it show us keeping the current sales tax and adding an additional 9% ???

That's the way it works ! You think the States can survive without sales tax revenue ?
And that's what we have here - Provincial Sales tax + National Sales tax.
Where else is the money comming from ? Some states already have 9% or more sales tax (and still going broke) - you think they'll reduce them ?


Speaking of donating money, everyone is noticing Herman Cain after the Florida Straw poll and on it's face it does look impressive. However, if you drill down into the straw poll process, you learn it's a fund raiser for the Florida GOP in which they charge you $175 per shot to vote. As general indicator of Cain's mass appeal, this poll means little to nothing. It might however indicate something on the monetary side that his supporters have cash but can and will that translate into votes?

All these straw polls are a measure of campaigns and their ability to rally volunteers and IMO little else should be taken from them. The GOP will paint Obama in the extreme and as a counterpoint, offer a centrist like Romney or maybe a Chris Christie if he runs. The GOP will herd the masses, they will vote the party line same as the mindless democrats do and all will go back to watching the latest offering of American Gladiator the very next day. Go back to sleep America, nothing here to see, move along, move along. We are in control!

BTW Sleeve: Have you heard or have you kept up with the "Occupy Wall Street" protests? As we speak, plans are organizing to do similar in Chicago and occupy the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago. Be interesting to watch. What will bailing out the IMF mean should that occur?

Interesting post. I don't follow the individual politicians too much or know as much as you probably do, but I do know that with these straw polls, the turnout more resembles a few loads of bussed-in voters than an honest count of support for whichever candidate.
I have heard the Republicans asking "why not the Federal reserve"...well, maybe that is coming?


golden ticket member
Interesting post. I don't follow the individual politicians too much or know as much as you probably do, but I do know that with these straw polls, the turnout more resembles a few loads of bussed-in voters than an honest count of support for whichever candidate.
I have heard the Republicans asking "why not the Federal reserve"...well, maybe that is coming?
Remember the winner of the straw poll in Iowa ?? I've almost forgotten too!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"The plan calls for completely scrapping the tax code and replacing it with a 9 percent business flat tax, a 9 percent personal flat tax and a 9 percent national sales tax." Where does it show us keeping the current sales tax and adding an additional 9% ???




Für Meno :)


Yup, just another tax to hit the middleclass and the poor the most.
Since those people are more likely to live from pay check to pay check, and spend everything they earn, just to get by.

The rich on the other hand, avoid paying all their earnings on a National Sales Tax, since those are the ones, saving and hoarding their money or taking it overseas.

But it will eventually trickle down to the needy, right Moreluck ? LMAO !

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Every top GOP "strategist" this morning (monday) said the Florida straw poll was MEANINGLESS. A pay to play function with no real impact on the presidential nomination.

The GOP is laughing off CAINS victory just like the rest of the country.

When they got to scrape the bottom of the barrel for people like Chris Christie just to keep "hope alive", then you know things are going bad.

Cains 999 plan wont pass CBO scoring. So far, none of the republicans candidates plans will get a favorable rating from the CBO.

I especially enjoy Art Laugher coming on Foxed SPews to talk about his contribution to the country as Reagans financial advisor, even though his policies led to a 3.7 trillion dollar deficit in 8 years and taxes raised on the middle class 7 times in 8 years while he cut taxes on the top 1% earners in the country.

CAIN has attached himself to Art Laugher and that spells DISASTER for the American Middle class. CAINS plan over taxes the middle class and working poor and gives the largest break to millionaires and billionaires.

Like ive said before, CAIN will be out shortly and Perry will follow.



golden ticket member
"............The 2008 census reported the medium income as $50,233. The PewResearch Center suggests that the middle income range is 75 percent to 150 percent of the median income. This would make the middle class income range $37,675 to $75,350. To most, this range seems small, and surveys conducted by the PewResearch Center find that many who fall outside this range still consider themselves middle class.................."

According to this, as a UPS driver you probably aren't even middle class!! How can you be a mouth piece of the middle class, when you aren't
even in it?


Well-Known Member
The economy was messed up and wilting away whether Obama was elected or not. A waste of four years? Absolutely, but It matters not which suit is in the White House when you are not either (1) at the top of the elite or (2) at the bottom of the poorhouse. Those are the only two types of people who benefit from voting and supporting. Save your money.

And that is where you have it wrong. Middle class America, for the time being, out numbers both the "rich elite" and the bottom poor. The policies of Obama simply allow poverty to trickle up which is helping no one. It is our voices that need to be heard and Herman Cain is the one candidate who speaks for them. That is why he gets my money.

You would think you would be kissing Obamas feet for a "shaky" economy versus the disasterous economy of the BUSH administration. By your own account, going from disaster to shaky would be a step forward in the right direction.


Oh yes, I should be kissing Obama's feet as I sit here in my new position as a feeder driver wondering if the bad economy will cause the whole thing to come crashing down on me. With 2 million fewer people working since Obama's inauguration, the instability in the stock markets, and the obviously rising inflation coupled with a President who steadfastly refuses to enact the policies needed to bring some stability to the economy I can only hope that, for this country's sake, along with the living standards of future generations that this Anti American President only see's one term.

"The plan calls for completely scrapping the tax code and replacing it with a 9 percent business flat tax, a 9 percent personal flat tax and a 9 percent national sales tax." Where does it show us keeping the current sales tax and adding an additional 9% ???

Your arguing math with a drunk wiener handler. Trust me moreluck, it isn't worth it as someone like that only drags you down to his level and beats you with experience.


Für Meno :)
"............The 2008 census reported the medium income as $50,233. The PewResearch Center suggests that the middle income range is 75 percent to 150 percent of the median income. This would make the middle class income range $37,675 to $75,350. To most, this range seems small, and surveys conducted by the PewResearch Center find that many who fall outside this range still consider themselves middle class.................."

According to this, as a UPS driver you probably aren't even middle class!! How can you be a mouth piece of the middle class, when you aren't
even in it?

What kind of research is that ?
Doesn't it depend on the family status ? How many children, if spouse works or not, maybe child support payments ?
Which region a person lives (NYC area, $50 K with kids puts you in the poverty level).... etc.


And that is where you have it wrong. Middle class America, for the time being, out numbers both the "rich elite" and the bottom poor. The policies of Obama simply allow poverty to trickle up which is helping no one. It is our voices that need to be heard and Herman Cain is the one candidate who speaks for them. That is why he gets my money.

Two things; I think you missed my point ....I did not say that the middle class does not outnumber the lower and upper class. That is putting words in mouth. I'm not sure the exact population specs per "class", and equally so as far as voting turnout....so no, that is not what I was going for.

Another thing, moreluck is the same "math drunk" because she is trying to convince people on here that UPS drivers are not middle class when their 40 hour work week is around 62k? per year. Yeah, throw on 70 hour work weeks and holy **** ! they're living it up like Bob Gates.

What a disgusting point to try to raise.


Für Meno :)
Oh yes, I should be kissing Obama's feet as I sit here in my new position as a feeder driver wondering if the bad economy will cause the whole thing to come crashing down on me. With 2 million fewer people working since Obama's inauguration, the instability in the stock markets, and the obviously rising inflation coupled with a President who steadfastly refuses to enact the policies needed to bring some stability to the economy I can only hope that, for this country's sake, along with the living standards of future generations that this Anti American President only see's one term.

Your are the one that wanted Chrysler and GM go belly up, and lose another 1 Million jobs !
Oh, now it's Anti-American to save jobs - wow !

Your arguing math with a drunk wiener handler. Trust me moreluck, it isn't worth it as someone like that only drags you down to his level and beats you with experience.

In your most friggen dreams you believe State Taxes will be eliminated ! Get real !


golden ticket member
What kind of research is that ?
Doesn't it depend on the family status ? How many children, if spouse works or not, maybe child support payments ?
Which region a person lives (NYC area, $50 K with kids puts you in the poverty level).... etc.
All of these general stats are based on a couple with 2 kids.....that's the standard they use.


golden ticket member
Two things; I think you missed my point ....I did not say that the middle class does not outnumber the lower and upper class. That is putting words in mouth. I'm not sure the exact population specs per "class", and equally so as far as voting turnout....so no, that is not what I was going for.

Another thing, moreluck is the same "math drunk" because she is trying to convince people on here that UPS drivers are not middle class when their 40 hour work week is around 62k? per year. Yeah, throw on 70 hour work weeks and holy **** ! they're living it up like Bob Gates.

What a disgusting point to try to raise.
Then there are a bunch of liars on here who brag about hitting 100K this year !! I'm not a UPS driver.I can only go by what is written by the actual employees. (garbage in - garbage out) People post bad numbers, you're going to get wrong statements.


Then there are a bunch of liars on here who brag about hitting 100K this year !! I'm not a UPS driver.I can only go by what is written by the actual employees. (garbage in - garbage out) People post bad numbers, you're going to get wrong statements.
This is a really great example of what is wrong with American politics.

I formulate an opinion based upon empirical evidence and then take the painstaking time trying to disprove that very evidence. It's learned from the scientific method.

You formulate an opinion based upon empirical evidence (Fox News) and spend hours regurgitating it without thinking twice what you have been told.

That's the American way and that's why you aren't to be taken seriously.