Herman Cain


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of with holding it all, but I dont like the idea of jail...Thanks for another view.

Like most people, you fear the compulsion and force in the system. I can understand that and it works well. However, what begins to happen when they drag up a Wesley Snipes as a pure PR trial and jurists consistently vote not guilty regardless of the evidence? The system hates jury nullification and is considered by many as the last and ultimate checks and balance that remains in the hands of the people directly. If we won't enforce their system for them, would it stand to reason they would be forced to change it before it all collapses from it's own unenforceability.


Für Meno :)
Gee wkmac..... the IRS can seize or garnish almost anything they want. Where have you been ?
I still own income taxes from last year, and they are all over me.

Can't fight them, period :(
Speaking of that, I better get my income taxes redone this week, I need to add something to it - should take me out of the red, I hope.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Wk...I fully support you. You should not pay any taxes and if they try to arrest you i think you should fight them. If it does not work out for you atleast you can look forward to maybe shareing a jail cell with Wesley. :rofl:


Well-Known Member
with 5 hours of OT a week it is under 75k/year.

You are only proving me right...UPS drivers pay IS (base, as calculated with whatever value you are going to use) well within a middle-class range.

To say that a UPS driver is not a "middle class job" is completely absurdity and insanity. Only one of the Bourgeoisies or a phony would say -worse deep down believe otherwise, using some bogus math or very basic and easily busted statistical anomalies.

Its funny you should use the word Bourgeoisies, as according to dictionary.com that means member of the middle class.

Anywho, you are focusing too much on income and not on what truly separates the wealthy from the rest and that is behavior. Just because someone makes millions of dollars over their lifetime does not make them wealthy. Look at a lot of sports stars who come from backgrounds that don't involve having a lot of money and when they are playing they are making millions of dollars, but yet are broke soon after their careers end because they were spending it as fast as they were making it. You don't need to earn millions to have millions, you only need a mind set that the material possessions today will cost you a lot later if you don't watch yourself and live below your means. I put 30% of what I make in to different forms of saving like short term savings, 5-10 year savings, and longterm or retirement savings. When I retire I expect to be much better off than a lot of my co-workers who are more focused on having a new car, paying for vacations with debt, and generally living it up today while not putting a thought into tomorrow. The biggest threat to my success later in life are the spending, monetary, and economic policies of today's politicians like Obama. What good will millions of dollars do me if inflation, or worse hyperinflation, makes those dollars nearly worthless? How can I know I am doing the right thing today for my retirement down the road if I cannot predict that what I have saved will be enough or if its even possible for me to save enough. Thats why Herman Cain has my support because he has the background, the foresight, and the knowledge to help steer us off this path and into a much more stable one. If Obama isn't defeated this next election cycle we may wander so far away from a more stable path that it will be impossible to go back, and then it won't matter what your income is because we will all be screwed.


Für Meno :)
Brett , your first inflation starts with the 999 tax proposel by Cain.
You already paid 15% income taxes on your saved money, and then you'll need to pay an additional 9% tax when you spend it.

Secondly if you hold all your savings in US currency, then you have a bad financial advisor or you aren't very bright.
Every advisor will tell you to put about a 3rd of savings into commodaties (such as oil, gas, gold, silver).
Then another portion into global markets and also global currencies.
That should protect you well enough.

I think it would be a good time to buy cheap Euros now. Because they'll get their act together before the US ever does.
Right now, nothing passes thru congress, and nothing will until late 2012. Major setback.


golden ticket member
Brett , your first inflation starts with the 999 tax proposel by Cain.
You already paid 15% income taxes on your saved money, and then you'll need to pay an additional 9% tax when you spend it.

Secondly if you hold all your savings in US currency, then you have a bad financial advisor or you aren't very bright.
Every advisor will tell you to put about a 3rd of savings into commodaties (such as oil, gas, gold, silver).
Then another portion into global markets and also global currencies.
That should protect you well enough.

I think it would be a good time to buy cheap Euros now. Because they'll get their act together before the US ever does.
Right now, nothing passes thru congress, and nothing will until late 2012. Major setback.

Gee, an American has U.S, currency.........how odd???!!! No financial advisor We've ever had mentioned any currency but U.S. ....maybe with the exception of talking gold sometimes. We don't need no stinkin' Euros, pesos and whatever the hell you call Canadian money. You are not a financial mind and anyone that takes any advice from you about their money is an idiot!!


Für Meno :)
Gee, an American has U.S, currency.........how odd???!!! No financial advisor We've ever had mentioned any currency but U.S. ....maybe with the exception of talking gold sometimes. We don't need no stinkin' Euros, pesos and whatever the hell you call Canadian money. You are not a financial mind and anyone that takes any advice from you about their money is an idiot!!

Well, you'll see when those printing presses are turned on again in Washington.
But, it's ok, you're too old to see the final outcome in 10-20 years from now.

Just like you didn't see the other major currencies doubling up against the greenback.
Americans used to be able to live like Kings and Queens when they travelled over seas or even to Canada.
Now they can't afford those vacations anymore, because the US dollar won't buy much.

Hard to believe that 1 US dollar bought more then 3 Swiss Franks while I was there, now you'll only get 0.8 Franks for 1 USD.
The Japanese Yen doubled as well. And Gold well that went off the wall, from $200 (yr.1991) to $1900, but now back to 1650 or $1700.
Oil 14.00/barrel (yr 1991) versus now and so on.

Sure did a hell of a lot better then your real estate, didn't it ?
Brett , your first inflation starts with the 999 tax proposel by Cain.
You already paid 15% income taxes on your saved money, and then you'll need to pay an additional 9% tax when you spend it.
Hey genius, ever hear of 401Ks ? pre tax dollars going in, no taxes paid until you cash out. Wait til the 999 is here and there will be no 15% taken out.


golden ticket member
Well, you'll see when those printing presses are turned on again in Washington.
But, it's ok, you're too old to see the final outcome in 10-20 years from now.

Just like you didn't see the other major currencies doubling up against the greenback.
Americans used to be able to live like Kings and Queens when they travelled over seas or even to Canada.
Now they can't afford those vacations anymore, because the US dollar won't buy much.

Hard to believe that 1 US dollar bought more then 3 Swiss Franks while I was there, now you'll only get 0.8 Franks for 1 USD.
The Japanese Yen doubled as well. And Gold well that went off the wall, from $200 (yr.1991) to $1900, but now back to 1650 or $1700.
Oil 14.00/barrel (yr 1991) versus now and so on.

Sure did a hell of a lot better then your real estate, didn't it ?

Don't people in Canada live to 84 ???????????????????????????

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hey genius, ever hear of 401Ks ? pre tax dollars going in, no taxes paid until you cash out. Wait til the 999 is here and there will be no 15% taken out.


Hold your breath on that one and then Ill send moreluck over to give you cpr to revive you for the 2016 elections! Once again,




Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
It is a transitional plan, to move into the fair tax. It is not possible to unravel a boondoggle such as the IRS in a day. And I will be around to see it. And since most of us live into our eighties, most of us will be.


Staff member
Hey genius, ever hear of 401Ks ? pre tax dollars going in, no taxes paid until you cash out. Wait til the 999 is here and there will be no 15% taken out.
Well, 401Ks are part of the current tax code so if you scrap the tax code then you scrap section 401K along with it. How would this affect current 401K's? Your guess is as good as mine but that's not the only tax shelter/loophole that would go away under one of these "simplify the tax code" plans like 999 or fairtax. I don't think Cain has a chance in hell of getting elected though so this is probably all hypothetical.


Well-Known Member
Hey genius, ever hear of 401Ks ? pre tax dollars going in, no taxes paid until you cash out. Wait til the 999 is here and there will be no 15% taken out.
Well, 401Ks are part of the current tax code so if you scrap the tax code then you scrap section 401K along with it. How would this affect current 401K's? Your guess is as good as mine but that's not the only tax shelter/loophole that would go away under one of these "simplify the tax code" plans like 999 or fairtax. I don't think Cain has a chance in hell of getting elected though so this is probably all hypothetical.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Herman is well liked among people that know him, the problem is that until now few people knew of him. That's changing and fast and before you know it we will have a president Cain getting sworn in January of 2013


Für Meno :)
I just bought a 4 pack meal at KFC for $6.99, had to pay my 5% GST (National Tax) on top of it, so it was $7.34.
Under Cain you'll be paying $6.99, plus State Tax, plus 9% National Tax, nearly 18% on top, making it a dollar more then ours at $8.25.


Well-Known Member
klein:883473 said:
I just bought a 4 pack meal at KFC for $6.99, had to pay my 5% GST (National Tax) on top of it, so it was $7.34.
Under Cain you'll be paying $6.99, plus State Tax, plus 9% National Tax, nearly 18% on top, making it a dollar more then ours at $8.25.

I guess that means you get to help picking up the slack here when you come visit!


golden ticket member
I just bought a 4 pack meal at KFC for $6.99, had to pay my 5% GST (National Tax) on top of it, so it was $7.34.
Under Cain you'll be paying $6.99, plus State Tax, plus 9% National Tax, nearly 18% on top, making it a dollar more then ours at $8.25.

What, you couldn't cook your own chicken ??? If Cain becomes the candidate, the slogan will be Cain vs. Unable.