Herman Cain


Für Meno :)
The deal was that only if all 4 former female co-workers were going testify, they would hold a conference.
But 2 of them didn't want to make it public and be haunted by the press.

Anyways, who cares, Cain gave up in the 90's and gave up now again.
He's a loser.


golden ticket member
The deal was that only if all 4 former female co-workers were going testify, they would hold a conference.
But 2 of them didn't want to make it public and be haunted by the press.

Anyways, who cares, Cain gave up in the 90's and gave up now again.
He's a loser.
#2386 is your post resurrecting things.......say Amen and be done. I quit now on this thread!


Staff member
Cain blamed somebody? Where's that going now? What justice are those poor, abused women seeking now? What happened to the joint press conference they were going to hold?

If someone is truly wronged, they don't stop their pursuit of justice............... That makes them skanks!!
Maybe they are in a support group with Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky, and Jennifer Flowers.
Whatever you may want to believe. But Cain did blame Perry, too and then the media, and ofcourse the liberals.

Years ago, they paid 2 women co-workers to keep it quiet.
He didn't fight back then against his accusers.

Now, with millions in his pocket thru his campaign raising and book selling, he still won't fight being accused.
So, no matter how you believe in his innocence - he's a coward and can't fight back !
And you want a guy like that in charge ?!!!!!!

A chicken chitt ?
What if America needs to go to war again ?
Cain can't fight , not even for his own innocence and rights !
Since you quoted me, I'm guessing you are directing this to me.

Thank you oh great one for granting me the privilege of having my own opinion.

Have you forgotten all the posts concerning the "payoffs" and the likely reasons for them? More cost effective sound familiar?

No matter what you believe in his guilt, it doesn't make it so. Coward? Maybe you need to wait till you can think of a word without TOS first saying it. That comes across as a talking point. Can't fight back? Maybe he chose not to "fightback" then because it was left in the hands of the corporate legal dept and now because he wanted to shorten the fight for the good of himself and his family.

Hey genius, show me where I ever said I wanted Cain in charge.

If America goes to war it won't have anything to do with Cain, he's not running for president.

Here ya go with the can't again. HAHAHAHA


Für Meno :)
There is another war brewing along (Iran).
Hope you'll be happy with another republican candidate and will do it alone like Bush did to Iraq.

Republicans won't wait until the world (UN and/or Nato) agree to attack.
So, have fun at it !
There is another war brewing along (Iran).
Hope you'll be happy with another republican candidate and will do it alone like Bush did to Iraq.

Republicans won't wait until the world (UN and/or Nato) agree to attack.
So, have fun at it !
What does this have to do with Herman Cain?
So I take it that you are out of TOS talking points for this thread?


Engorged Member
I said that about 300 posts back! This bashing will continue until (and probably after) the next election. It will be the dirtiest campaign ever. The funny thing is that the Democrats and Republicans have people that cheat.

When I have time, I might go back to threads and see what was being said from the ubers about Edwards and Weiner.
I won't make any judgement about Cain, but I voted for Arnold S. and he is a POS as far as I am concerned because of what he did. Wrong is wrong but the same can be said for these ubers who are hypocrates.

We were very hard on Edwards and Weiner, because they deserved to get slammed. Edwards is slime, and what Weiner did is just plain weird. You can call me an "uber" all you want, and I'll just take it as a compliment. Cain is slime too, and clearly not as bad as Edwards, but what is disturbing is that you Righties don't seem to think he needs to get called-out for what he "did". I know, I know...there is no proof other than Cain walking away, but this guy is a big time loser because he did do it, and all of you are acting like he didn't.


Strength through joy
How can you honestly state that " he did do it " ?
Do you have solid proof that these women's stories are true, or are you just guessing because he looks like someone who might have done it ?
We were very hard on Edwards and Weiner, because they deserved to get slammed. Edwards is slime, and what Weiner did is just plain weird. You can call me an "uber" all you want, and I'll just take it as a compliment. Cain is slime too, and clearly not as bad as Edwards, but what is disturbing is that you Righties don't seem to think he needs to get called-out for what he "did". I know, I know...there is no proof other than Cain walking away, but this guy is a big time loser because he did do it, and all of you are acting like he didn't.
I'm still waiting to see, not just be told by faceless, nameless people the proof of his guilt. I was the same way on Edwards and Wiener, but the evidence did come out on them fairly quickly. No proof has been shown, only claims of proof. In one of the press conferences with Gloria Alred she waved a couple of pieces of paper in the air claiming they had irrefutable proof of he clients claims. Funny thing was no one else ever saw that alleged proof.
I didn't throw Edwards under the bus until the proof actually came out, I will do the same for Cain.


Für Meno :)
Well, if it was a liberal setup, you do have to give them a lot of credit and realize how clever they are.

Only thing the reps had on Obama was his church and his birth certificate.
Maybe the republican party can learn some smarts from the libs, and how simple it is to take out any opposing candidate ?

Mind you, it would be kind of hard to come up with past settlement payments.


golden ticket member
Well, if it was a liberal setup, you do have to give them a lot of credit and realize how clever they are.

Only thing the reps had on Obama was his church and his birth certificate.
Maybe the republican party can learn some smarts from the libs, and how simple it is to take out any opposing candidate ?

Mind you, it would be kind of hard to come up with past settlement payments.
So you consider lying and destroying another as being clever????
As far as Obama and hints of stuff......grades? How'd he get into Harvard? Talk of Gay? Talk of mysterious killing? The gay bathhouse with Obama and Rahm as members?

Your idea of smart is stupid!
His church and birth cert. were just a couple of the many of unanswered questions about Buck.


Strength through joy
Don't forget about his student loans and the financial assistance reserved for foreign students which he may have gotten.
Or why he not longer has a license to practice law in Ill. Also why Mrs O had her's revoked by a court order.
Why are so many people listed as owners on his Chicago home's deed, including some other guy that uses to same bogus SS# as bhos ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Don't forget about his student loans and the financial assistance reserved for foreign students which he may have gotten.
Or why he not longer has a license to practice law in Ill. Also why Mrs O had her's revoked by a court order.
Why are so many people listed as owners on his Chicago home's deed, including some other guy that uses to same bogus SS# as bhos ?


Everytime you post things like this, I think of this photo:



Strength through joy
tos, you haven't been following all the lawsuits against the DNC and the State Election Boards ?
Interesting readings.
They do not include bhos as a defendant, just the people who claim that they have properly vetted him. Seeing how all these vetting reports were filed and are public records, then they should be made available to all.
The DNC is not allowing any other Dems to be on any states primaries, what are they afraid of ?
That some unknown person could bump bhos out of the race ?


Für Meno :)
All that dirt you have on Obama and yet you couldn't bring him down ?
And all it took was 5 hoes to finish off Cain ? Interesting !


golden ticket member
Civilized people "bring people down" by voting them out, not lying. Can't do that 'til Nov. 2012. We'll see what happens then.