Herman Cain


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The fire is smoldering yet the moths keep flying toward where the fire was. This is an amazing show! Thank you!

It is not hard to see why "Fire & Brimstone" Buck oFama has the support of all the moths! Just keep flying into the light of the fire!
its my fault Lifer, I just couldnt give it up.


Strength through joy
Speaking of mistresses; just this week the History Channel did a story on what really went on in WH right after Pearl Harbor was attacked, I was unaware that FDR had one.
He even had her in his will to equally share all assets with his wife.
I think my "assumptions" are pretty good. The proof is in Cain's willingness to abandon ship rather than confront his accusers. If truly innocent, he had nothing to worry about. He was very worried, and stepped-off the Cain Train. That should be a very obvious indicator that things weren't going to get better for him.

Why can't you guys just admit the fact that Cain didn't have the cajones for either the campaign or the presidency? He quit, in order to save what little of his reputation he had left so he could cash-in with Righties who still believe in him. Hypothetically, if they did find a blue dress in Ginger's closet with DNA evidence, would you still support Cain?

Your assumptions are only that...assumptions. I would hope you think them to be correct otherwise it would make you much worse. You are entitled to you assumptions and your opinion regardless of how wrong you are.

Unless he could prove without a doubt he had nothing to do with the affair accusation, like being in another part of the country at the time she said it happened, there is no way he can prove his side. If Ginger produced any color of clothing of her's that tested(by an independent and impartial lab) with his sperm DNA, then I would say...."Hey FedEx, your assumptions were correct". Until then, I won't be saying that.
Cain did pretty well with confronting the other two women that came forward with accusations of sexual abuse. They are the ones that backed out, not Cain.
I never went on record as actually supporting Cain for President, all I said was I liked some of his messages and wanted to learn more about his 999 plan. I still like some of his messages and still have questions that have never been covered on the 999 plan.But now, that is irrelevant.


Für Meno :)
Those accused women didn't back out, and actually the blonde one (whatever her name is) - the first one to come forward, was just last week on the Piers Morgan show.

She liked the fact that Cain quit, but disliked it that he went out still lying !
Those accused women didn't back out, and actually the blonde one (whatever her name is) - the first one to come forward, was just last week on the Piers Morgan show.

She liked the fact that Cain quit, but disliked it that he went out still lying !
The last I read about the first two was that Cain's lawyer tried to set up a news conference with them and Cain and the women declined.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its unbelievable the distance herman cain defenders will travel. The man COULDNT STAND up for himself, yet you all carry the ball for him!

What a coward. And MORELUCK, is his campaign really suspended?

Get a grip.



Engorged Member
Its unbelievable the distance herman cain defenders will travel. The man COULDNT STAND up for himself, yet you all carry the ball for him!

What a coward. And MORELUCK, is his campaign really suspended?

Get a grip.


He could make a roaring comeback when Newt flames out, but 0+0 still =0. The "winning equation" for the GOP in 2012. Seriously, I think there are more women out there and lots of evidence that would bring Cain down hard. I guess if you drink enough Tea, he sounds like the ideal candidate. Amazing.


golden ticket member
Its unbelievable the distance herman cain defenders will travel. The man COULDNT STAND up for himself, yet you all carry the ball for him!

What a coward. And MORELUCK, is his campaign really suspended?

Get a grip.

I only have the original words from the man's own mouth. I'm not Carnac and cannot predict. Maybe an alien will drop down from the sky and will become our new leader.....no more presidents.....more importantly, No Bama!!
Its unbelievable the distance herman cain defenders will travel. The man COULDNT STAND up for himself, yet you all carry the ball for him!

What a coward. And MORELUCK, is his campaign really suspended?

Get a grip.


I'm glad you used the word defender instead of supporter, because I do defend him but have never supported his candidacy.
He "COULDN'T" stand up for himself or he WOULDn't? Not really the same.
He knows he could not prove a negative and it was clear whoever was behind the sudden appearance of all these claims would not stop, taking away from his being able to campaign on issues for fighting off untrue accusations. When one has to fight too many fronts at one time it is a loosing battle.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
That raises a thought, would they continue to do so if no one responded?

Just a thought!

I said that about 300 posts back! This bashing will continue until (and probably after) the next election. It will be the dirtiest campaign ever. The funny thing is that the Democrats and Republicans have people that cheat.

When I have time, I might go back to threads and see what was being said from the ubers about Edwards and Weiner.
I won't make any judgement about Cain, but I voted for Arnold S. and he is a POS as far as I am concerned because of what he did. Wrong is wrong but the same can be said for these ubers who are hypocrates.


Für Meno :)
It's my opinion that there won't be anymore because the liberal smear machine is done with Cain.

Whatever you may want to believe. But Cain did blame Perry, too and then the media, and ofcourse the liberals.

Years ago, they paid 2 women co-workers to keep it quiet.
He didn't fight back then against his accusers.

Now, with millions in his pocket thru his campaign raising and book selling, he still won't fight being accused.
So, no matter how you believe in his innocence - he's a coward and can't fight back !
And you want a guy like that in charge ?!!!!!!

A chicken chitt ?
What if America needs to go to war again ?
Cain can't fight , not even for his own innocence and rights !


golden ticket member
Cain blamed somebody? Where's that going now? What justice are those poor, abused women seeking now? What happened to the joint press conference they were going to hold?

If someone is truly wronged, they don't stop their pursuit of justice............... That makes them skanks!!