Herman Cain


Engorged Member
Hermain Cain Inc. Wholly owned subsidiary of the Koch Brothers. His engines are sputtering right now, and he's about to enter the downward spiral straight into the ground.


golden ticket member
Hermain Cain Inc. Wholly owned subsidiary of the Koch Brothers. His engines are sputtering right now, and he's about to enter the downward spiral straight into the ground.
So, I hear there's going to be a new candidate in the 2012 race........a Democrat!! Should be interesting.


Engorged Member
That is what your sister said a month ago and Cain still is gaining...hmmm.

Not for long. Cain has neither the organization, nor the money required to be a real contender. Care to bet a case of beer on it? I like Asahi and Kirin, and you can ship it UPS if you'd like (I won't tell anyone). Really, he's not going to be your candidate. Sorry, but my sister is pretty smart.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Not for long. Cain has neither the organization, nor the money required to be a real contender. Care to bet a case of beer on it? I like Asahi and Kirin, and you can ship it UPS if you'd like (I won't tell anyone). Really, he's not going to be your candidate. Sorry, but my sister is pretty smart.

Not smart enough since she gauged it wrong a month ago...keep dreaming and drinking your Obama Kool-aid. By the way...Asahi super dry aint to bad but have you tried Yebisu?


Well-Known Member
Not for long. Cain has neither the organization, nor the money required to be a real contender. Care to bet a case of beer on it? I like Asahi and Kirin, and you can ship it UPS if you'd like (I won't tell anyone). Really, he's not going to be your candidate. Sorry, but my sister is pretty smart.

Not smart enough since she gauged it wrong a month ago...keep dreaming and drinking your Obama Kool-aid. By the way...Asahi super dry aint to bad but have you tried Yebisu?[/QUOTE]

Hell, she said he was going to be out by the end of September. That was when he was just starting to pick up steam.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That is what your sister said a month ago and Cain still is gaining...hmmm.

Heres the big difference between my prediction and CAINs current position in the polls. Its not that CAIN is going up, its that the others are going DOWN! The GOP faithful were so GUNG HO on Romney that he had an "inflated" poll number from the jump. Then came Bachman with her straw poll win and that put her on top ( for a second) Cain was down in the single digits with Newt, Santorum, Trump, Huntsman, when this was going on as nobody cared about him.

As Romney failed and Bachman started making herself sound ridiculous, the GOP faithful looked towards the possibility of Palin entering the race, then Perry. Since Newt, Santorum, Huntsman, Johnson, Paul, were never serious contenders, the last choice for the GOP faithful was CAIN. CAIN has no more than Romneys best numbers, he isnt going any higher. He can only go downwards from here. If CAIN was in the 40% range, Id say he was a serious contender, but the GOP isnt comfortable with any of them, so they will hover around 27% each.

As the others spiral downwards, Cain could only go up, but now its a different scenario. In last nights debate, he struggled on his feet. He couldnt address his 999 plan with any logical explanation and had to re direct the audience to his web page so SOMEONE else could explain it for him.

Since he didnt create it, and the KOCH brothers did, he cant possibly explain the details. Sure he has all the talking points down, but when it comes to math, he just doesnt have the capacity to explain it.

This didnt play well for him in the debate, and in the next few days we should see a drop in the polls.

The reality of last nights debate was simple, the only real winner of the debate was Barack Obama. As these people argued with each other over nothing issues like gardeners and the like, and none of them has any plans to do anything but talk us to death with talking points.

The over exposure of these GOP candidates will be their ultimate demise.

Heres the big difference between my prediction and CAINs current position in the polls. Its not that CAIN is going up, its that the others are going DOWN! The GOP faithful were so GUNG HO on Romney that he had an "inflated" poll number from the jump. Then came Bachman with her straw poll win and that put her on top ( for a second) Cain was down in the single digits with Newt, Santorum, Trump, Huntsman, when this was going on as nobody cared about him.

As Romney failed and Bachman started making herself sound ridiculous, the GOP faithful looked towards the possibility of Palin entering the race, then Perry. Since Newt, Santorum, Huntsman, Johnson, Paul, were never serious contenders, the last choice for the GOP faithful was CAIN. CAIN has no more than Romneys best numbers, he isnt going any higher. He can only go downwards from here. If CAIN was in the 40% range, Id say he was a serious contender, but the GOP isnt comfortable with any of them, so they will hover around 27% each.

As the others spiral downwards, Cain could only go up, but now its a different scenario. In last nights debate, he struggled on his feet. He couldnt address his 999 plan with any logical explanation and had to re direct the audience to his web page so SOMEONE else could explain it for him.

Since he didnt create it, and the KOCH brothers did, he cant possibly explain the details. Sure he has all the talking points down, but when it comes to math, he just doesnt have the capacity to explain it.

This didnt play well for him in the debate, and in the next few days we should see a drop in the polls.

The reality of last nights debate was simple, the only real winner of the debate was Barack Obama. As these people argued with each other over nothing issues like gardeners and the like, and none of them has any plans to do anything but talk us to death with talking points.

The over exposure of these GOP candidates will be their ultimate demise.

Of course there is a big difference, your prediction had Cain either out of the race or on the bottom but he's close to the top, illustrating how wrong you were. The poll numbers change every time someone enters the race and every time someone leaves the race. In every poll there are just so many votes to go around, with 8 people splitting a fixed number of votes a score of 40 would mean a hands down victory. I suggest that Cain's numbers have risen do to more people learning about him from the debates, taking votes from the others from Perry down.
Make up your mind is Romney or Palin the heart throb of the GOP faithful? The early polls had Palin receiving votes although she was never in the race, thus taking votes from everyone in the race. Until people start withdrawing from the race no one is going to rise to a 40%. Opinion polls don't elect a president. I thought you understood opinion polls, guess I was wrong.

People are getting way to up in arms over the 999 plan, even if Cain is elected it has little to no chance of being passed into law. The first thing for that to happen would be for the constitution to be amended and then the bill passed. I don't think that would ever happen, even if both houses were controlled by republicans. So Cain had trouble addressing the 999 plan and that's a campaign killer? I seem to remember that not ONE democrat, including Zer0, what was even in the health care plan, but that was no big deal. LOL.

There ya go again with you talking points, railing against anybody but lefties using talking points. Really, that's getting boring and over used.


Well-Known Member
Trp, this is the only reference I could find in the Constitution regarding income taxes:

Amendment XVI
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Based on this and this alone there would be no need to amend the consitution to adopt 9-9-9 as the method or calculations used to collect such taxes is not specified.
Trp, this is the only reference I could find in the Constitution regarding income taxes:

Amendment XVI
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Based on this and this alone there would be no need to amend the consitution to adopt 9-9-9 as the method or calculations used to collect such taxes is not specified.
Well hmmm, I either misread something in my research(or what I read was incorrect) or remember what I read incorrectly. I stand corrected. In fact, based on that, it would allow for the current tax code to be dropped for the 999 plan. Even with that I don't see congress pass a bill like this. I could be wrong.


Staff member
Well if even a republican held congress wouldn't pass it (and I agree, they wouldn't) then is the whole 999 plan nothing more than a campaign gimmick?
Well if even a republican held congress wouldn't pass it (and I agree, they wouldn't) then is the whole 999 plan nothing more than a campaign gimmick?
Wouldn't that depend on whether Cain thinks it could be passed or not?

Are you just opposed to campaign gimmicks or is it Cain/and/or and the 999 plan?


golden ticket member
It's one candidate's plan.......probably needs tweaking if he ever gets in. Obama is already in and his plan won't even pass with the Dems. Every candidate will have a plan.


Staff member
Wouldn't that depend on whether Cain thinks it could be passed or not?

Are you just opposed to campaign gimmicks or is it Cain/and/or and the 999 plan?
I'm not even opposed to campaign gimmicks. They are a fact of life, but isn't it better to see them for what they are? It's intellectual idiocy not to, don't you think?