Herman Cain

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Fact checker is a left wing arm of Soro's right? Maybe not but they only seem to do hack jobs on republicans. It also appears they have a little rivalry with politifacts.

I didn't say anything other that what is typed in brown. I like to make sure you can tell the difference in what I say and what the source says. Unlike "some" people on here I don't try to pretend to be smarter than everyone else. I posted part of the article that disputed your ranting. I provided a link.
Either you accept the source or not, that is up to you.

BTW, I respectfully ask that you stop using "trippy" when addressing me.

Another BTW, I don't believe everything anyone says.

I actually admire how you and moreluck keep your composure with a certain poster. My feeling is a loon can't change his/her spots or is that a leopard - Oh well! I think you get the drift. I can recall mentioning a Republican's name to my brother's father-in-law at a family function and curse words started spewing from his mouth. I knew at that point no intelligent political conversation would every be possible. A loon tends to feel superior and more intelligent than the rest of us and also feels they can twist facts because we are too ignorant to pick up on it. This is their Achilles heel.

Similarly right now BO is campaigning in key states and calling it a jobs bill tour. He is flagrantly stealing from the taxpayer to fund his campaign. Chicago politics at it's best!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Fact checker is a left wing arm of Soro's right? Maybe not but they only seem to do hack jobs on republicans. It also appears they have a little rivalry with politifacts.

I didn't say anything other that what is typed in brown. I like to make sure you can tell the difference in what I say and what the source says. Unlike "some" people on here I don't try to pretend to be smarter than everyone else. I posted part of the article that disputed your ranting. I provided a link.
Either you accept the source or not, that is up to you.

BTW, I respectfully ask that you stop using "trippy" when addressing me.

Another BTW, I don't believe everything anyone says.

So thats the best you could come up with, is george soros? Its a wonder how the right wing political machine gets you all to hate sources other than fox or right wing radio. The constant bashing of media daily, weekly monthly and yearly beats your mind up with outrageous claims of the liberal media, and you automatcally distrust all sources.

Is it that easy to program you guys?

The facts are the facts trip. CAINS record speaks for itself. His running around blowing his record out of porportion only works on those looking to blindly follow the blind.

Despite his temporary rise in the polls, he will fall as his record comes forward. As he campaigned in the shadows, he escaped criticism on his record, but now that he is holding 27% of the vote, he will have to put up or shut up.

Now its time for him to put up. For me, I cant wait for him to shut up.



golden ticket member
"............thats the best you could come up with, is george soros? ..............." (tos)

All you ever come up with is Koch brothers.......what's the dif?


Staff member
"............thats the best you could come up with, is george soros? ..............." (tos)

All you ever come up with is Koch brothers.......what's the dif?
No. We can do better. Hannity, Limbaugh, Koch Brothers, Inghram, Fred S, NewsBusters, Worldnet Daily, Palin, Brit Hume, Bill O'Reilly, all on a Krauthammer bun. Come on everyone--you know the words! (Sung to the tune of "Ten Little Indians):happy-very:


golden ticket member
Michael Pollan, Kurt Anderson, Kevin Drum,
Ezra Klein, James Fallows, Gerald Seib, Andrew Sullivan,
Glenn Greenwald, Hendrick Hertzberg, Natthew Yglesias,
Maureen Dowd, Christopher Hitchens , Bill Moyers, Chris
Matthews, Fareed Zakaria, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga,
David Shipley, Joshua Micah Marshall, Rachael Maddow,

Oprah Winfrey, Jon Stewart, Thomas Friedman, Fred
Hiatt, Adrianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Bill Maher,
Janeane Garofalo.
So thats the best you could come up with, is george soros? Its a wonder how the right wing political machine gets you all to hate sources other than fox or right wing radio. The constant bashing of media daily, weekly monthly and yearly beats your mind up with outrageous claims of the liberal media, and you automatcally distrust all sources.

Is it that easy to program you guys?

The facts are the facts trip. CAINS record speaks for itself. His running around blowing his record out of porportion only works on those looking to blindly follow the blind.

Despite his temporary rise in the polls, he will fall as his record comes forward. As he campaigned in the shadows, he escaped criticism on his record, but now that he is holding 27% of the vote, he will have to put up or shut up.

Now its time for him to put up. For me, I cant wait for him to shut up.


George Soros is plenty to make the point, don't need any other.
I suppose it is easy to keep your head in the sand when the majority of the media is in tune with your thinking. I understand that. Come on, there is no denying that CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and some of the others have held back criticism of 0 from the start. Stories hid, facts twisted, important information left out all in favor to 0bama. They continued with ridiculing anyone that questioned anything about 0bama. Granted recently, a few stories/reports have changed the overall bias.
I noticed the obvious left leaning of the media long before I knew Fox news even existed. Fact is I had stopped watching the evening news because I got tired of the one way reporting.. I longed for an unbiased source of information. Still looking.

Why are you so concerned about Cain? According to you not one of the republican candidates have a snowballs chance in hell of beating Zer0 in the general election anyway. To analogize the election it would be like a high school football team beating the GreenBay Packers. So why worry yourself over it?
The short sightedness lies with you and the others. ITS THE SAME 27% that MITT HAD, THAT PALIN HAD, THAT BACKMAN HAD, THAT PERRY HAD. No matter what you guys say, there is no front runner. The GOP candidates are not separating themselves from each other, not one candidate can speak for the majority of GOP voters.

As one candidate rises, all the others are falling. Thats flavor of the month. As they fall someone (NO FAULT of their own) rises to the top until they are exposed and then they will fall as well. For CAIN, he was and is a nothing candidate, but fortunately for him, PERRY =FAILED / ROMNEY =is FAILING / NEWT = is worthless / SANTORUM= a non factor / PALIN = FAILED / BACHMAN= FAILED / HUNTSMAN = WHO? / JOHNSON=oblivious and all thats left for CAIN is to self destruct.

CAIN is the flavor of the month because all the other flavors are tasting sour. CAIN's turn at the top will be short lived. His 999 plan is B.S. from the jump, and as the details emerge, its getting less and less liked by the GOP.

Now that his idea of eliminating the minimum wage is out there, he has to defend it or flip flop on it. This will surely kill his chances.


All of this ranting for naught. At this point in time a front runner is not that important. Seems to me that early on in the previous election there was a bit of movement in the standings in the democratic primary race, not unlike what is going on now with the republicans. That is before the media got so tight with 0bama. That's pretty much the way primary races go. Rest assured, the day after the primary election there will be a front runner.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
All of this ranting for naught. At this point in time a front runner is not that important. Seems to me that early on in the previous election there was a bit of movement in the standings in the democratic primary race, not unlike what is going on now with the republicans. That is before the media got so tight with 0bama. That's pretty much the way primary races go. Rest assured, the day after the primary election there will be a front runner.

The problem with republicans is that "they" dont know who they are. They tried parading around with tea bags on their heads for awhile and when the country lost interest in them and their favorablility rating dropped to the low 30's, the word tea party disappeared from the headlines.

Others are trying the same old nonsense about religion, abortion and guns, and that is falling flat ( just ask rick santorum and michele bachman)

Some are trying to call themselves "outsiders" but have nothing but "insiders" telling them what to do.

Meanwhile, the republican voter is having trouble finding one person they can say is "like them" in a candidate and that spells re-election for Obama. You all can pretend this is normal, to have a jillion candidates all closely tied months into a campaign season and the rest of us just laugh.

The whole GOP race has been a joke so far, starting with Trumps rise to the top and the C9 clammoring about his experience, and then POOF! He's gone. Then Sarah Palin is running around and she's getting the attention, then she opens her mouth again about Paul Revere and POOF! Shes gone. Then Romney comes out and leads the polls before the first debate and then his flip flops start to haunt him and POOF! He's in second. Then comes Michele Bachman, she vaults to the top for a moment, and then all her stupid statements surface and POOF! Shes gone. Tim Pawlenty, who spent a KABILLION dollars running around Iowa like the invisible man goes on the air and proclaims hes the front runner and serious contender, and POOF! He quits. Then all the talk is about Gov Perry jumping into the race, all the hype prior to his annoucement and he leaps to the top, the GOP crowd cant wait, the C9 starts to brag about him, he enters the race and then POOF! Hes gone. Then comes Herman Cain, who nobody was paying any attention to. He was running around doing his thing but nobody was attacking him, mainly because nobody was taking him seriously.

So, while all the others were busy taking themselves out of the race, CAIN by default goes to the top.

As the GOP faithful were abandoning ship on the other candidates, they were looking for a political rescue ship in Herman Cain. Bobbing in the water, CAIN started to put the GOP drifters into the boat, but now that he's on top, the only place to go is ......(drumroll please...)


As CAIN begins to take the spotlight, he is faced with gaff after gaff. Its only a matter of weeks until his ultimate sinking and the GOP faithfull have to abandon ship once again.

Thats the real dilemma for the GOP, they will have to "settle" for someone they dont want. The GOP was so busy trying to re-invent itself, it lost who they are.

Romney isnt christian enough, Santorum is too religious, Newt is too old, Paul is too old, Bachman is too phoney, Perry is too dumb, Huntsman is ....WHO?, Cain is too washington as his relationship with lobbyist suggests, so whos left?

Christie is too fat, Palin is too full of personal drama and likes NBA players....(wink), Trump is too full of himself and Johnson is TOO HIGH!

This is the real problem for the GOP. WHO ARE THEY? They dont seem to know.



golden ticket member
Republicans know exactly who they are and exactly what they want and a candidate's name isn't really that important!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Republicans know exactly who they are and exactly what they want and a candidate's name isn't really that important!!

Ya right. The GOP is split into 5 different political ideas of who "they" are. Not ONE candidate represents them all. You and the others flip around your own personal definitions of where you stand as you jump from candidate to candidate.

Those who hate abortion now have to abandon CAIN as he believes goverment has no right interfering in a womans "choice" to have an abortion for rape or incest. A little goof on his part, but really, more of his flip flopping ideas when he says things...

Like many GOP observers say: "MR CAIN likes to speak before he thinks".

I happen to agree with that assessment, you know how that is, right?



bella amicizia
I do not support government subsidized much of anything. The problem comes from the fact people are idiots. Children pumping out children like paintballs. I would rather pay in the short term than the long term. So, I guess I do support idiots getting abortions.


Staff member
I do not support government subsidized much of anything. The problem comes from the fact people are idiots. Children pumping out children like paintballs. I would rather pay in the short term than the long term. So, I guess I do support idiots getting abortions.

Do you support people who aren't idiots getting abortions?