Herman Cain

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What I have a hard time understanding is why anyone would take that statement by Cain serious. When I heard that I took it as a tongue in cheek response. I bet there are many anti-illegal immigration people that have had the same thought from time to time, but never seriously advocated the actual installation of an electric fence.

A border fence between USA and Mexico wouldn't compare to the "iron curtain", as you said that fence was to keep people hostage, the fence here would be to keep people out. Our citizens would still be allowed to come and go as they do now.

Tongue in Cheek?

He made this statement at several stops on his campaign tour. He made his comments in a serious tone, and if you watched the video, he clearly states he wont apologize for it, so now calling it a joke is an after thought.

Today, some key hispanic republican groups have said they will not support him just for the suggestion of the electric fence. Calling it a joke after raising eyebrows is a little too late. He meant what he said. He was speaking to a captured audience of mostly white americans and they were clapping and cheering his every word. CAIN fed off that response and kept giving the crowd what they wanted to hear.

Now he pays the price for it.



Für Meno :)
He offended the blacks (brainwashed), then OWS, now the hispanics, what's next, maybe the elderly ?
I can see one of those jokes popping up ?
How to save SS ? Cain : Buy putting the retired poople into concentration camps !

Hope, people like tooner and Moreluck, don't mind a joke like that...

Cain has no common sense, would be a disgrace to even let him be in the same room with other world leaders.


golden ticket member
Tongue in Cheek?

He made this statement at several stops on his campaign tour. He made his comments in a serious tone, and if you watched the video, he clearly states he wont apologize for it, so now calling it a joke is an after thought.

Today, some key hispanic republican groups have said they will not support him just for the suggestion of the electric fence. Calling it a joke after raising eyebrows is a little too late. He meant what he said. He was speaking to a captured audience of mostly white americans and they were clapping and cheering his every word. CAIN fed off that response and kept giving the crowd what they wanted to hear.

Now he pays the price for it.

No one takes anything you say seriously.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How about being a flip flopper? Could Cain previous comments now come back to haunt him? What did CAIN say about a national sales tax in the past? Lets take a look at his own words:

So what did Herman write?
Don’t be VAT stupid

By Herman Cain
November 21, 2010
There’s one message from the 2010 elections that many so-called policy makers, political elites and analysts did not hear. Namely, the American people are not as uninformed and stupid as they think we are.
President Obama’s Debt Commission and the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Debt Reduction Task Force have both floated its ideas for reducing our nation’s runaway national debt. As CNNMoney.com reports, both sets of ideas echo each other in broad strokes. And both sets of ideas could confuse and confound the leaves off a tree.
These ideas are a long way from becoming law, but they are generating, as intended, much discussion about the merits of each idea.
The worst idea is a proposed national sales tax, which is a disguised VAT (value added tax) on top of everything we already pay in federal taxes.
Here are three of the biggest reasons the national retail sales tax is the worst idea on the table.
First, we have a spending problem in Washington, D.C. not a revenue problem. The Commission claims their goal is to reduce the deficits by $4 trillion over the next decade. The task force says its plan would save $6 trillion by 2020. It’s sort of like dueling promises that would never happen, because when has a proposed cut in Washington D.C. ever produced the intended savings over 10 years? Never!
Even worse is reason number two: In every country that has established a VAT with the promise of reducing their national debt, the VAT has eventually gone up or expanded on top of the existing tax structure. After discovering many of the tax grenades in the recently passed health care deform bill, which is already driving costs up and access down, it would be real easy for an overzealous bureaucrat to insert the language in the legislation “national retail and wholesale” tax.
For the liberal naysayers who say that would not happen, you lose! Just look at the Social Security system, Medicare and Medicaid. Over the years since their inception, taxes have gone up, benefits have gone down and they are still on a path of insolvency.
… Giving the administration and Congress another tool to tax us and confuse us is like giving an alcoholic a key to the liquor store with no supervision, only to discover that he locks the door after he is safely inside.
A national retail sales tax on top of all the confusing and unfair taxes we have today is insane! It gives the out-of-control bureaucrats and politicians in denial one more tool to lie, deceive, manipulate and destroy this country.
The third reason the national retail sales tax on top of all the taxes we already pay is a bad idea, is that there is already proposed legislation that replaces all of the federal taxes we pay. It replaces all current revenue. It supercharges our national economic growth, and puts the power of taxation back into the hands of the people who spend their money.

NOW these are his words, so what happened? How did he change his mind? OR did someone or some group change his mind for him? The KOCH brothers have always advocated for smaller goverment, lower taxes for the top 1% and a national sales tax to replace lost revenue from the tax cuts from the rich. The KOCH brothers have many operatives in the CAIN camp now since his entire staff quit and low and behold, the 999 plan is born and a NATIONAL SALES TAX is a part of it!

Is this CAINS idea? How does he reconcile being against a national sales tax before he was for it?

Is being a flip flopping murderous wall builder going to keep him at the top of the polls, or is this the landmine that blows up his campaign?

I cant wait to hear the defense of the flip flopping! Let the games begin!

Last edited:


golden ticket member
There you have it.

Yes, I want the borders secure. Yes, I hate that the federal government refuses to do THEIR job and leaves it to the border states to sink or swim. Deplorable ! Suing those border states is unforgiveable! O thinks it's all a big joke............move the white house to a border state and watch him laugh then.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Yes, I want the borders secure. Yes, I hate that the federal government refuses to do THEIR job and leaves it to the border states to sink or swim. Deplorable ! Suing those border states is unforgiveable! O thinks it's all a big joke............move the white house to a border state and watch him laugh then.

Its too bad a little detail destroys your claims. But then again, when have facts roadblocked any of your comments.

FACT: the Obama administration has deported more illegals in 3 years than in all of BUSH's 8 years combined.

That doesnt sound like Obama is looking the other way on illegal immigration.

It's Official: Obama Has Deported More Than A Million Unauthorized Immigrants | Mother Jones

Sorry if the facts offend you or cause you to run to the others for assistance.



Für Meno :)
I'm more concerned about the northern border, please put up a wall there first.
Because, maybe, yet in my lifetime, America will be our Mexico ! And Americans will be trying to get here illegally !

Anyways, as for Cain, in the above posting from TOS, even that is wrong !
Cain abviously doesn't do his homework !

Canada's GST (VAT) tax started at 7% in 1991 (this January we "celebrated" 20 years of it).... it's now at 5%.
According to Cain, Vat taxes have gone up in every country ! He's wrong, again !


golden ticket member
I'm more concerned about the northern border, please put up a wall there first.
Because, maybe, yet in my lifetime, America will be our Mexico ! And Americans will be trying to get here illegally !

Anyways, as for Cain, in the above posting from TOS, even that is wrong !
Cain abviously doesn't do his homework !

Canada's GST (VAT) tax started at 7% in 1991 (this January we "celebrated" 20 years of it).... it's now at 5%.
According to Cain, Vat taxes have gone up in every country ! He's wrong, again !

Tongue in Cheek?

He made this statement at several stops on his campaign tour. He made his comments in a serious tone, and if you watched the video, he clearly states he wont apologize for it, so now calling it a joke is an after thought.

Today, some key hispanic republican groups have said they will not support him just for the suggestion of the electric fence. Calling it a joke after raising eyebrows is a little too late. He meant what he said. He was speaking to a captured audience of mostly white americans and they were clapping and cheering his every word. CAIN fed off that response and kept giving the crowd what they wanted to hear.

Now he pays the price for it.

Have any evidence that he made the same statement in several places on his tour?

Most likely those same hispanic groups were not going to support him anyway, few of them will support any candidate that doesn't proclaim they are for amnesty. Believe it or not, there are many hispanic individuals that support the anti-illegal immigration laws, but very few if any hispanic organizations do.
In fact if memory serves me correctly, you have said that the illegal immigration needs to be stopped.

Why not just admit that you are anti-republican and will do or say anything you can dream of to discredit them?

At this point, I'm not a Cain supporter, but that could change.
How about being a flip flopper? Could Cain previous comments now come back to haunt him? What did CAIN say about a national sales tax in the past? Lets take a look at his own words:

I dare you to name one politician that has not flip flopped their position on one or more of various issues? Without even trying I can come up with several, #1 being your man on the golf course.

Fact is, I don't like the friend/friend, but we aren't going to find anyone who hasn't changed their mind a given issue.


golden ticket member
I dare you to name one politician that has not flip flopped their position on one or more of various issues? Without even trying I can come up with several, #1 being your man on the golf course.

Fact is, I don't like the friend/friend, but we aren't going to find anyone who hasn't changed their mind a given issue.

Sometimes circumstances do change even from month to nonth.......you have to adapt. Changing you opinion sometimes is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
I dare you to name one politician that has not flip flopped their position on one or more of various issues? Without even trying I can come up with several, #1 being your man on the golf course.

Fact is, I don't like the friend/friend, but we aren't going to find anyone who hasn't changed their mind a given issue.

That doesn't qualify as a flip flop actually. Notice he said a national sales tax in addition to our current federal tax code. The 9-9-9 plan does away with the current federal tax code so in stead of adding to the federal government's long and overworded tax code it simply replaces it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Have any evidence that he made the same statement in several places on his tour?

Most likely those same hispanic groups were not going to support him anyway, few of them will support any candidate that doesn't proclaim they are for amnesty. Believe it or not, there are many hispanic individuals that support the anti-illegal immigration laws, but very few if any hispanic organizations do.
In fact if memory serves me correctly, you have said that the illegal immigration needs to be stopped.

Why not just admit that you are anti-republican and will do or say anything you can dream of to discredit them?

At this point, I'm not a Cain supporter, but that could change.

Does this satisfy your question?
National Hispanic GOP group wants Herman Cain to quit race

How about this?
Herman Cain urged to quit presidential race by angry Latino Republicans [Video] - latimes.com

Still need more proof?
R.I. GOP's Hispanic Assembly chairman quits party | Politics | Rhode Island news | The Providence Journal

I realize the bandwagon is still moving and you may be on it, but now seems like a good time to jump off!
Car flies off a cliff! - YouTube


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I dare you to name one politician that has not flip flopped their position on one or more of various issues? Without even trying I can come up with several, #1 being your man on the golf course.

Fact is, I don't like the friend/friend, but we aren't going to find anyone who hasn't changed their mind a given issue.

Man, cant you ever just admit anything?? a FLIP FLOP is a FLIP FLOP.

He was against it before he was for it. Its that simple. HE called it INSANE. Now he thinks its wonderful?

Thats two polar opposites trip.

Face it. He's done. Look out below! Here comes the CAIN train!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That doesn't qualify as a flip flop actually. Notice he said a national sales tax in addition to our current federal tax code. The 9-9-9 plan does away with the current federal tax code so in stead of adding to the federal government's long and overworded tax code it simply replaces it.

NOT WHAT HE SAID. Try again.
