Herschel Walker


Well-Known Member


All Trash No Trailer
It's sad that you villianize the Republican candidate for working with the police as a community outreach liaison while you praise the
Democrat candidate who attacks the police as evil.
I laughedvery loudly when the moderator told him to put the "prop" away

A debate moderator admonished Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker for pulling out a “prop” badge after Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock of Georgia accused him of lying about being a police officer.

The exchanged happened during a question about rising crime in Georgia, when Mr Walker accused Mr Warnock of being anti-police and criticising them too much.

In response, Mr Warnock mentioned how he had supported law enforcement in the United States Senate and then pointed to a story in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, which reported that he had said he worked in law enforcement when he did not and mentioned a report that he threatened to have a shootout with officers in 2011.

“One thing I have not done I've never pretended to be a police officer. Yet, I've never I've never threatened a shootout with the police,” he said, which drew applause.


Inordinately Right
LMFAO look how nervous these lefties are that they're going to lose this seat.

Settle down guys, it's going to a runoff anyways.

You'll be spewing your baseless personal attacks long after the midterms.


All Trash No Trailer
The jokes write themselves ,i swear. Something is really wrong with a guy who just lies non stop

Herschel Walker’s mom disputes son’s claim that grandmother was ‘full-blooded Cherokee’​

The mother of Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker has disputed her son’s claims that his grandmother was a “full-blooded Cherokee” and that he is himself an Indigenous American.

Mr Walker, who achieved fame as a running back for the University of Georgia and is attempting to parlay his football success into a political career in his home state, discussed his family’s purported indigeneity at a small campaign event in Forsyth, Georgia last month.

“My mom just told me that my mom, grandmother, was full-blood Cherokee,” Mr Walker said at the event. “So I’m Native American!”

According to HuffPost, which reported Mr Walker’s comments in Forsyth, the Cherokee Nation has no record of Mr Walker as one its members.

What’s more, Mr Walker’s mother told HuffPost in a phone interview on Wednesday that she could not confirm her son’s claims about his grandmother and could only offer that she heard stories growing up that her own mother may have related in some way to Cherokee people.

“She was kin to Cherokee,” Christine Walker said. “Back when I was a little child running around, she was kin to the Cherokee.”

Ms Walker said she doesn’t know how far back her apparent Cherokee ancestry might go.

“See, my grandmother, she passed when I was quite young,” Ms Walker told HuffPost. I don’t know too much about how she was connected.”

It is not uncommon for Americans, including American politicians, to claim Indigenous ancestry with scant evidence as a means of claiming an authentic American past and absolving themselves for the crimes that the US has perpetrated against Indigenous peoples and nations



Inordinately Right
You'll be spewing your baseless personal attacks long after the midterms.
Deputy Dawg? At least tommy tubberville would no longer be the dumbest parson in the Senate.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Republicans love this guy, will defend everything he does and will vote for him no matter what.

Bill Maher explained this pretty well last night:

"In their mind, the worse a candidate is, the more it says to Democrats "Do you see how much we don't like what you're selling? All that socialism, and identity politics, and victimhood, and oversensitivity, and cancel culture, and white self-loathing, and forcing complicated ideas about race and sex on kids too young to understand it. Literally anything would be better than that."

That's their view. That's why you can be a really bad dude in Republican politics and it's not a dealbreaker."



Well-Known Member
Bill Maher explained this pretty well last night:

"In their mind, the worse a candidate is, the more it says to Democrats "Do you see how much we don't like what you're selling? All that socialism, and identity politics, and victimhood, and oversensitivity, and cancel culture, and white self-loathing, and forcing complicated ideas about race and sex on kids too young to understand it. Literally anything would be better than that."

That's their view. That's why you can be a really bad dude in Republican politics and it's not a dealbreaker."

He’s dead right.


Inordinately Right
"Democrats also think the other side is an existential threat, but their response is not to nominate sickos". -Bill Maher

Ashley Biden's diary:
"Was I molested, I think so.... @a young age. Showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)"

Ummm. Okay Bill Maher, you're right sometimes but it seems it's always after you've been wrong for quite a while before you realize it.



He’s dead right.

Or its the fact that the Republicans let Trump get away with appointing 2 poor Senate candidates.

The Georgia Republican primary was interesting. Hardly any opposition to Walker and as soon as he came forward he was supported by both Trump and McConnell who usually can't agree on the color of the sky on a clear day.


Inordinately Right
Or its the fact that the Republicans let Trump get away with appointing 2 poor Senate candidates.

The Georgia Republican primary was interesting. Hardly any opposition to Walker and as soon as he came forward he was supported by both Trump and McConnell who usually can't agree on the color of the sky on a clear day.
Who were Oz and Walker's primary opponents? I mean I'm not from there but maybe the fame factor is necessary to beat the Democrat machine in those left leaning places.

I agree with you they're clearly both flawed candidates though. Oz literally did an entire episode of his show placating and making excuses for sickos trans'ing their kids.