Herschel Walker


All Trash No Trailer
No worries about that sweet heart being accused of paying for an abortion much less even sniffing a vagina.

I just read he was a ferret today, I knew a couple of days ago he was just from listening to an audio from him.

My opinion is Herschel probably paid for the wrong abortion.

That is not a confirmation, it's simply an observation.
what isa "ferret'? why are you ridiculing him for his sexual orientation?


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
When a huge part of a candidate's platform is he stands against abortion with no exceptions ,unlike his opponent who supports abortion ,in a state where for the Religious Right this is a VERY big issue there is NO WAY he is going to admit it after being found out he PAID for an abortion

I think he'd have been better off by givinga press conference and pulling a Jimmy Swaggart, saying in tears,I have sinned and repent my sins yada yada. Even better if his wife and son Christian are onstage crying and hugging him..

but thats just my opinion
Answer my previous questions before you move to this segment.

Simple yes or no.

Have you been married?
Were you a virgin when you were married?
Have you been faithful to your vows? (If/ when you were married?)

Easiest questions to answer,

You will not address your actions, Hell you just dragged Jimmy Swaggart into it.


Well-Known Member
what isa "ferret'? why are you ridiculing him for his sexual orientation?
Obviously you know what a ferret is.

I'm not ridiculing him, I merely stated in other terms, " The closest this guy will get to a vagina was at birth."

Does that suit you?


All Trash No Trailer
Answer my previous questions before you move to this segment.

Simple yes or no.

Have you been married?
Were you a virgin when you were married?
Have you been faithful to your vows? (If/ when you were married?)

Easiest questions to answer,

You will not address your actions, Hell you just dragged Jimmy Swaggart into it.
why are you so obsessed with my personal life?
how are my "actions" relevant to Herschel Walker's Hypocricy?

This has to be the most Strawman of all Strawman Arguments I have ever seen on this forum


All Trash No Trailer
Obviously you know what a ferret is.

I'm not ridiculing him, I merely stated in other terms, " The closest this guy will get to a vagina was at birth."

Does that suit you?
What to you mean by ferret? spell it out please,as I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about


Well-Known Member
Here is a nice point to be made,and it doesent involve my personal life,but it damn sure involves Herschel's! seems he really did ask for it,and had to be hounded to pay the pay the bill. He had to be taken to court to pay child support when she refused to abort the second child.

You won't answer my question because it would expose your argument as a bad argument.

You could however eliminate your personal possible likeness to your "your set of facts" pertaining to what you attach to Walker.
You declined.

I remember a guy named Kavanaugh, ever heard of him?
I remember how your side lied and tried to smear him.
Do you remember that?

Pertaining to your above post, offer the complaint against Walker to support the claim and we can procced from that point.