Herschel Walker


Well-Known Member
Hershel Walker got a tax break the last two years on his Texas home intended only for your primary residence — possibly running afoul of both Texas tax law and Georgia rules for establishing residency for both voting and running for office.



Well-Known Member
Hershel Walker is to the point where he now needs multiple handlers to speak for him when appearing on national television.



Bad Moon Risen'
Hershel Walker got a tax break the last two years on his Texas home intended only for your primary residence — possibly running afoul of both Texas tax law and Georgia rules for establishing residency for both voting and running for office.


Primary residence in Texas and voting in Georgia? Republicans cheating again?


Inordinately Right
possibly running afoul of .... Georgia rules for establishing residency for both voting and running for office.

You say running afoul of Georgia residency laws, and then link to an article that says the opposite. Maybe try reading it again.


Well-Known Member

Primary residence in Texas and voting in Georgia? Republicans cheating again?
Carpetbagging happens.

If you're going to do it at least change your residence, get a new drivers license and pay a few taxes in your new fake home. Everyone from Hillary to Marge Green did that. But Hershel Walker can't even be bothered.


Well-Known Member


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You're timing is off.

Moved into the house in January 2000.
Did Hillary Clinton move to New York before running for Senate?
  • She moved to NY before running for Senate. The Clintons bought the house in Chappaqua in 1999, and Hillary moved there in January 2000. New York law only requires that someone running for Senate must be a resident of the state when elected.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Warnock knew of abuse or resisted investigation?
Warnock was arrested for blocking a police investigation in a child abuse case at a church camp he was running. He told his staff and some campers to not cooperate with them. The charges were dropped months later and that church camp was shut down for unsanitary conditions later. The camp director was eventually charged with child abuse.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns