Hilary Clinton


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
NO, we lost over 7000 lives so AMERICAN OIL COMPANIES could take those drops of oil. WE did the dirty work for them.

You stand as ignorant to the facts of war.

I believe that some of the oil fields were bombed and destroyed.

How many companies on earth can go in and rebuild an oil field that we trust.

A half dozen?

And of course, they would be American companies.

But America could have taken that oil.

But we didn't.

I still stand correct.


Strength through joy
Judge Nap: Leaks Could Trigger 'Saturday Night Massacre' in Hillary Email Probe

U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan suspected that Clinton was not being forthcoming in releasing all her work-related emails, so he had her swear "under penalty of perjury" that she had surrendered all her governmental emails to the State Department.
Clinton's failure to turn over this email could add perjury to an already "overwhelming" case, which could see her indicted for espionage, conspiracy, obstruction of justice and a variety of other charges.
....if the Justice Department declines to indict Clinton for political reasons, many FBI investigators and Justice Department prosecutors could rebel and leak details of the investigation.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I an hearing of a leaked email from the DOD to Hillary, asking permission from then Sec of State Killary, to send help.

No response from Hillary.

Maybe she just went back to sleep.
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golden ticket member
I like the report of the Dem. committee on Benghazi......they threatened not to participate at all. They threatened not to pick a committee. When formed, they interviewed ONE person and their finding is Hilary did nothing. . . .right!!!!! Why did their committee bring up Trump's name 23 times in their committee on Benghazi? Benghazi was 2012.


golden ticket member


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
The Benghazi Report really shed nothing new. Stevens asked for increased security and was repeatedly ignored. The attack had nothing to do with a You-tube video. No help was sent, complete lack of leadership from all levels of the US Government. Another item to add to the list of Clinton failures.


nowhere special
The Benghazi Report really shed nothing new. Stevens asked for increased security and was repeatedly ignored. The attack had nothing to do with a You-tube video. No help was sent, complete lack of leadership from all levels of the US Government. Another item to add to the list of Clinton failures.

It was always about the lies and attempts to cover up those lies. Obama wanted the details buried until after the election because the truth would have hurt him.


nowhere special
WASHINGTON (AP) — Longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin said in a legal proceeding that Clinton did not want the State Department emails that she sent and received on her private computer server to be accessible to "anybody," according to transcripts released Wednesday.

The deposition also raised questions about the State Department's practices responding to government records requests under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. Abedin, a senior aide during Clinton's entire tenure there, testified under oath that she never searched or was asked to search for documents in her State Department or her private Clinton email accounts in response to requests or lawsuits under the open records law.

But a review of all requests to the State Department during that period found several asking specifically for copies of Abedin's emails on a variety of subjects, including her husband, one-time disgraced Rep. Anthony Weiner.
Aide said Clinton didn't want emails accessible to 'anybody'

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The Benghazi Report really shed nothing new. Stevens asked for increased security and was repeatedly ignored. The attack had nothing to do with a You-tube video. No help was sent, complete lack of leadership from all levels of the US Government. Another item to add to the list of Clinton failures.

It was always about the lies and attempts to cover up those lies. Obama wanted the details buried until after the election because the truth would have hurt him.

13 hearings, and this last investigation cost the american taxpayers 10 million dollars only to find out "we didnt do enough to protect our people in libya"...


Couldnt they have determined that outcome for free?

The republicans have abused the power on the hill and tried to make a mountain out of a molehill and they failed, AGAIN.

Fast and Furious, IRS scandal, email scandal and Bengazi.

4 ginormous wastes of taxpayer money in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

This last investigation by Trey Gowdy was nothing more than a dog and pony show for the stupid.

Dont be surprised when the electorate tosses out the republicans from the house and gives power back to the democrats along with Hillary Being elected President of the United States.
