Hilary Clinton


golden ticket member
Hillary gets to travel for her campaign on Air Force One.....$200,000 dollars (;)) an hour, paid by taxpayers.
I know, it's suppose to be repaid by the DNC.....but they will repay what a comparable rate would be for a person flying to N.C......not the high price of Air Force One. Once again the taxpayers will be on the hook for a crook!!


Well-Known Member
Not surprising here, but is it interesting to read between the lines in Comey's statement. He basically said she is guilty as hell, but given her political status as a presumptive Presidential nominee she is untouchable. I'm not ready to declare the rule of law is dead in this country, but given that we now know there are different sets of rules for different classes of people it sure does throw that into question as well.


golden ticket member
Not surprising here, but is it interesting to read between the lines in Comey's statement. He basically said she is guilty as hell, but given her political status as a presumptive Presidential nominee she is untouchable. I'm not ready to declare the rule of law is dead in this country, but given that we now know there are different sets of rules for different classes of people it sure does throw that into question as well.
Violation of Federal Statutes ? My ass would be in jail!!


golden ticket member
Why did the FBI guy have to stress that there was no outside influence affecting this recommendation?? Is there usually??


nowhere special
110 emails in 52 email chains were determined to have contained classified information according to one of the stories on CNN.

I think the 7 chains were top secret. The others were lower levels of classification.

The FBI did confirm there were e-mails already marked classified at the time they were sent which Hillary lied about.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Not surprising here, but is it interesting to read between the lines in Comey's statement. He basically said she is guilty as hell, but given her political status as a presumptive Presidential nominee she is untouchable. I'm not ready to declare the rule of law is dead in this country, but given that we now know there are different sets of rules for different classes of people it sure does throw that into question as well.

There are NO lines to read IN BETWEEN.

Its pretty clear what the determination was. He didnt say she was guilty, or possibly guilty. The problem is, you people were soOOOOO convinced that she was guilty, because FOX news and their legal eagles told you she was guilty, you now dont understand what COMEY was talking about in his press conference.

But, like "WE" told you people from the jump, NO CHARGES would ever be brought against her for this email nonsense.

Comey didnt say Hillarys email server was hacked, what he said was the People she was communicating with possibly were hacked. Comey said, that she RECIEVED emails that contained classified information and she RESPONDED to those emails. That changes the concept that she SENT classified information.

From Comeys press conference, and this is the most IMPORTANT aspects of the legal challenge to prosecute.. READ THEM AND WEEP.

""To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally sent or received classified information — something that the friend.B.I. did not find. “Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” he said at a news conference.""

This is all you need to understand.

She did nothing more than Condolesbian Rice or Colin Powell did while secretary of state using private email servers.


Now, you can CRY ME A RIVER all you want, you can pizz and moan about no charges, but this issue is DEAD.

Time to move on, time to let it go or the republican party will look like bigger buffoons and so will you.

The case is over. Get over it.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think the 7 chains were top secret. The others were lower levels of classification.

The FBI did confirm there were e-mails already marked classified at the time they were sent which Hillary lied about.

You people just want to hear what you want to hear. Those 7 emails were SENT to her FIRST, and she responded to them. She DIDNT send them, and the law is clear, she had to INTENTIONALLY SEND classified emails knowing they were classified in order to skirt the system.

The FBI did not find such a case.

You lose.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why did the FBI guy have to stress that there was no outside influence affecting this recommendation?? Is there usually??~~ MORELUCK

He had to say that, because people like you would make the accusation if he didnt, so he cut you off at the pass and left you with nothing to say.

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golden ticket member
Why did the FBI guy have to stress that there was no outside influence affecting this recommendation?? Is there usually??~~ MORELUCK

He had to say that, because people like you would make the accusation if he didnt, so he cut you off at the pass and left you with nothing to say.

"Extremely careless handling of e-mails" and "violation of Federal Statutes are not virtues I want in a president.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Where did FBI director Comey use the word "incompetent".???

Where did the FBI use the word "reckless".???

He did use the word CARELESS.

But can you show us where he used the other two words?


Do you think the fbi would tell you that thousands of classified emails were leaked off of Clintons server. It is a national security issue if any were leaked they would never tell. Keep drinking that kool aid that she didn't' do nothing wrong. She don't have my vote and I would hope other people would do the same.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” James Comey said during a press conference Tuesday.

“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences.” <-------- you and me

If this don't scare you then I don't know what does.