Well-Known Member
I'll assume you're using the "urban" definition of salty in your post. 1987 must be your birth year, since I have forgotten more about UPS than you seem to know. I'd say you're not in any position to make assumptions about me or my past results with the organization. You don't know me........You can bet that the results that my people achieved, paved the way for you to have a job today. You can just thank me and the rest of the "old timers" for our results that provided you with gainful employment. Stay in your lane...Bro.
Preferential treatment for certain minorities by managers in the same minority group has been growing over the years. We've had a succession of black guys in charge of US operations for 25 years beginning with Cal Tyler. Since then every single one has been black. Among region and district managers, blacks are way over-represented. They represent about 10% of the US population but a much higher percentage of region and district managers. Is this a coincidence? Look at HR as another example. Black person running the department on the Management Committee and blacks way over-represented in senior management positions. These are the facts.