I know there are some senior opinions being thrown down in this thread but it's not a secret what's going on. Any management/leadership/logistics consultant can look at what's currently in the mix for UPS. Management prides itself in the secrecy but in today's age, you can't hide anything. The identity politics all these (group)-think tanks are running with will have serious negative effects down the road. Merit always wins - when it's encouraged. We're encouraging the buddy buddy bs, and bad HR/transformational information. We; meaning the youngsters coming up now will have to fix and clean up all these decisions down the road and it's not very far away. Amazon will go on the attack - eventually. There isn't enough blood in the water yet...
You can bet your last dollar these tone-deaf HR departments will look back in 30 years and say "we fk'd up". Just like the idea of shareholder supremacy from the 80's/90's. We watch completely underskilled personnel get extremely fast advantages over the ones bringing the results with them every day. Flat out facts are nobody that's smashing their career will sit around and watch this happen. We will leave. UPS is starting to eat itself with an HR department that lacks empathy in nearly every way. We push emotional intelligence all the time but I'm sorry but I don't see it at all.
If HR needs to balance their 'formula' they need to do their due diligence and wait until the right candidate is in front of them. Promoting anyone to balance a mathematical formula is done with such prejudice that it's only, and can only be perceived as ignorance. The legitimate UPS'ers aren't walking around with clown shoes on honking horns. The cracks are starting to show, and these old school guys rising up and semi-lashing out is a symptom of something more. It's a shame in 2019 we're relegated to an old forum to discuss this
. The fact that UPS has to bring in a pile of consultants and specialist to fix their company is very telling. It solidifies all the negative posts inside this thread.
Before you think I'm out of line please understand I do care about these 460,000 people. It's just very hard to play dead when you can see the train wreck on the horizon. Maybe UPS has been on top too long and it's time for a little friction...