Holding on to yesterday



Didn't know if I'd be able to find these.

yep, good old chiller theatre usually on saturday nights 8 pm on wpix channel 11. Unfortunately, the best thing about chiller theatre was the opening. What usually followed was some cheap british import horror flick that I could never make heads or tails of.


Who was Tim Reed?? Van Williams played Britt Reid. Loved the garage. Turn the ratchet hanging on the wall, then the lights dimmed to green and then the floor revolved and brought up Black Beauty. One of the coolest Hollywood cars ever. " To protect the lives of decent citizens rides the Green Hornet". Gotta say I liked the Green Hornet better than Batman. Batman was too campy, although the very first time we watched it I thought it was cool. "Batteries to power, turbines to speed, roger, lets roll" The Batmobile was cool especially when the Riddler tried to destroy it and couldn't.

I'm sorry, I meant britt reid. I took this off of wikipedia:
The Lone Ranger
Britt Reid is a blood relative of The Lone Ranger. The character of Dan Reid, who appeared on the Lone Ranger program as the Masked Man's nephew, was also featured on the Green Hornet as Britt Reid's father, making the Green Hornet the grand-nephew of the Lone Ranger.
Confirming this was the November 11, 1947 radio show episode "Too Hot to Handle": After his secret identity was uncovered in a previous episode, "Exposed" (broadcast October 28, 1947), by Linda Travers, a novice reporter secretly hired by Britt's father to check up on him, Britt told his father Dan that he was the masked Green Hornet. After his initial shock and anger, Dan Reid referred to a "pioneer ancestor" of Britt's that he himself had ridden alongside with in Texas, a man who rode a horse and acted as a vigilante, and expressed his pride in and love for his son.(PICKUP- editing, should probably read" like a son") As he explained this, the Lone Ranger theme briefly played in the background.[2]


Wonder if anybody besides More and I remember this one...

YouTube - Tan Shoes with Pink Shoe Laces

This little guy looks just like my Shop Steward, LOL.

These both sound like Cracker Barrel music, which in turn makes me hungry, LOL. Good songs Sammie!

Didn't know if I'd be able to find these.

yep, good old chiller theatre usually on saturday nights 8 pm on wpix channel 11. Unfortunately, the best thing about chiller theatre was the opening. What usually followed was some cheap british import horror flick that I could never make heads or tails of.

The opening would send me running from the room with fear.:sad-very:


Life is a Highway...
And I had no idea you were such a good looking son of a gun...


Wow! She still could pass for a teenager. How does this guy "Keep Up"? LOL


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I have always liked Harry Chapin too, I like story telling songwriters. "W.O.L.D" and"Taxi" are my favorites followed by "Cats In The Cradle".
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Well-Known Member
"Cats in the Cradle" was my favorite as well. I always stop and think when I hear that song to be sure that I am not forgetting the 2 most important people in my life, Megan and David.

When I was a kid I was selected to the All Star team for my local Little League. Our first game started at 5. My Dad closed his book store at 5 and I was hoping that he would close a little early so that he could come watch my game. He didn't and, wouldn't you know it, I hit a home run in my first at bat and he wasn't there. It was funny because I was last in the batting order and was moved to 4th for the rest of the tournament and didn't do a thing after the home run. Point was he wasn't there and, 36 years later, I still remember that as though I were rounding the bases and looking in the stands only not to see him there.

Both of my kids were very active in sports and I would often be seen in uniform at their games, truck parked somewhere out of harm's way (didn't want to have to explain a foul ball through the windshield). They both knew that I wouldn't be able to make all of their games but both knew that I would make those that I could and both appreciated that. In fact, there was one softball game my daughter was playing in when I jokingly told her, "Do something, I have to go back to work" and she went out and hit a double.

Work is only the means to provide for what it is you truly want.
"Cats in the Cradle" was my favorite as well. I always stop and think when I hear that song to be sure that I am not forgetting the 2 most important people in my life, Megan and David.

When I was a kid I was selected to the All Star team for my local Little League. Our first game started at 5. My Dad closed his book store at 5 and I was hoping that he would close a little early so that he could come watch my game. He didn't and, wouldn't you know it, I hit a home run in my first at bat and he wasn't there. It was funny because I was last in the batting order and was moved to 4th for the rest of the tournament and didn't do a thing after the home run. Point was he wasn't there and, 36 years later, I still remember that as though I were rounding the bases and looking in the stands only not to see him there.

Both of my kids were very active in sports and I would often be seen in uniform at their games, truck parked somewhere out of harm's way (didn't want to have to explain a foul ball through the windshield). They both knew that I wouldn't be able to make all of their games but both knew that I would make those that I could and both appreciated that. In fact, there was one softball game my daughter was playing in when I jokingly told her, "Do something, I have to go back to work" and she went out and hit a double.

Work is only the means to provide for what it is you truly want.
Good post, great memories and a good Dad....KUDOS UpState.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
your a good dad!! that cradle song gets to a lot of guys,like the ending of Old Yella {no explanation needed for anyone over 40}


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
I remember my grandpa listening to this when i was nuthin but a whee little pup. Quite a few years ago, but still makes me smile to this day thinking about way back when. But man do I feel old now. Thank you.:wink2:
I also remember that song,my uncle always sang along with it on the radio.He was single & took us every where! He bought a summer camp and left it to my brothers and I. The night he died I spent the night in the chair next to him,and wouldn't you know it ,they played it on the radio on my way home. Higher power!! I think so!!! It brings a smile to my face every time!! Boy I still miss him.
I also remember that song,my uncle always sang along with it on the radio.He was single & took us every where! He bought a summer camp and left it to my brothers and I. The night he died I spent the night in the chair next to him,and wouldn't you know it ,they played it on the radio on my way home. Higher power!! I think so!!! It brings a smile to my face every time!! Boy I still miss him.
Do y'all still own and operate the camp? I think that would be cool.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Yes I do,He bought it in 67 ,I was 3.I went up every weekend with him and had a ball.Its in S.Maine on a lake.He did alot for all 17 nieces & nephews we all went there.But when the other kids hit like 10 or so they wanted nothing to do with him.My brother and I stuck by him till he died>He owned his own trucking comp & we both worked for him as teens,till he closed down .THANK YOU TED KENNEDY [deregulation]When he got older I took care of the repairs on the Cottage & my bro took an afternoon job so he could take him to all his Dr.s apptmnts,andwe both took care of him> It was nice to see all the cousins crying at his funeral & saying how wonderful he was! God that irked the $hip out of me.Had to vent,that song just sparked me & sorry for the long answer TRPL I burried him in Oct & still miss the old guy !!We put a plaque on the mantle place in his honor with his Ted Williams signed ball next to it!
Yes I do,He bought it in 67 ,I was 3.I went up every weekend with him and had a ball.Its in S.Maine on a lake.He did alot for all 17 nieces & nephews we all went there.But when the other kids hit like 10 or so they wanted nothing to do with him.My brother and I stuck by him till he died>He owned his own trucking comp & we both worked for him as teens,till he closed down .THANK YOU TED KENNEDY [deregulation]When he got older I took care of the repairs on the Cottage & my bro took an afternoon job so he could take him to all his Dr.s apptmnts,andwe both took care of him> It was nice to see all the cousins crying at his funeral & saying how wonderful he was! God that irked the $hip out of me.Had to vent,that song just sparked me & sorry for the long answer TRPL I burried him in Oct & still miss the old guy !!We put a plaque on the mantle place in his honor with his Ted Williams signed ball next to it!
No need to apologize, that was a wonderful story. I enjoyed reading it. I am truly sorry for your loss, my Mom passed away this last Halloween and I miss her alot. So I know where you are coming from here. The best part now, is you have many wonderful memories that your cousins can only wish they had.