Holding on to yesterday


I always considered Kevin Kline more of a comedy actor (A Fish Called Wanda, The Pink Panther) but when you consider Sophie's Choice, the Grand Canyon and Silverado, the guy has quite a range.

I agree, let's not forget, Dave. Wow, I never even knew they were married, sounds like a love story, though everytimr I say something like this, the couple ends up getting divorced.:dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
I agree, let's not forget, Dave. Wow, I never even knew they were married, sounds like a love story, though everytimr I say something like this, the couple ends up getting divorced.:dissapointed:

Glad we could "surprise" you with that one, Steve.

The Entertainment Couple I don't get is this Low Life. There are over
6 billion people in the world and, well, everybody knows the rest.



Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Sorta off topic, but the thread title reminds me of this. Years ago, I got to where I would store my raincoat and mapbook in a storage box in my package car. I didn't open my locker for years, and eventually, I forgot my combination. One day last week, I was in the locker room washing my hands, and the Plant Engineer was in there. I asked him if he knew about lockers, and he said no problem. He went and got his master key and looked up my combination from a number on the inside of the lock.

Well anyway, opening locker #11 was like opening a time capsule to me. It has been about eight or nine years. Old logo Cintas raincoat. A taped together map of the last route I ran about thirteen years ago. A Service Provider Reference book, whatever that is.......The first version of Infonotices. My CLIPBOARD with paper records. But the saddest part was my old belt hanging up. I had a 34" waist back then, it wouldn't go around my 39" midsection now!:biting:


Sorta off topic, but the thread title reminds me of this. Years ago, I got to where I would store my raincoat and mapbook in a storage box in my package car. I didn't open my locker for years, and eventually, I forgot my combination. One day last week, I was in the locker room washing my hands, and the Plant Engineer was in there. I asked him if he knew about lockers, and he said no problem. He went and got his master key and looked up my combination from a number on the inside of the lock.

Well anyway, opening locker #11 was like opening a time capsule to me. It has been about eight or nine years. Old logo Cintas raincoat. A taped together map of the last route I ran about thirteen years ago. A Service Provider Reference book, whatever that is.......The first version of Infonotices. My CLIPBOARD with paper records. But the saddest part was my old belt hanging up. I had a 34" waist back then, it wouldn't go around my 39" midsection now!:biting:

I don't think that's too off topic, at all. This whole thread is stirring up some good old memories.


Sorta off topic, but the thread title reminds me of this. Years ago, I got to where I would store my raincoat and mapbook in a storage box in my package car. I didn't open my locker for years, and eventually, I forgot my combination. One day last week, I was in the locker room washing my hands, and the Plant Engineer was in there. I asked him if he knew about lockers, and he said no problem. He went and got his master key and looked up my combination from a number on the inside of the lock.

Well anyway, opening locker #11 was like opening a time capsule to me. It has been about eight or nine years. Old logo Cintas raincoat. A taped together map of the last route I ran about thirteen years ago. A Service Provider Reference book, whatever that is.......The first version of Infonotices. My CLIPBOARD with paper records. But the saddest part was my old belt hanging up. I had a 34" waist back then, it wouldn't go around my 39" midsection now!:biting:
Good thing you didn't leave some old stinky socks in the locker.:happy2:


Retired Senior Member
Sorta off topic, but the thread title reminds me of this. Years ago, I got to where I would store my raincoat and mapbook in a storage box in my package car. I didn't open my locker for years, and eventually, I forgot my combination. One day last week, I was in the locker room washing my hands, and the Plant Engineer was in there. I asked him if he knew about lockers, and he said no problem. He went and got his master key and looked up my combination from a number on the inside of the lock.

Well anyway, opening locker #11 was like opening a time capsule to me. It has been about eight or nine years. Old logo Cintas raincoat. A taped together map of the last route I ran about thirteen years ago. A Service Provider Reference book, whatever that is.......The first version of Infonotices. My CLIPBOARD with paper records. But the saddest part was my old belt hanging up. I had a 34" waist back then, it wouldn't go around my 39" midsection now!:biting:

Your building must be exceptionally clean for the inside of your locker not to have hardly any dust in it.
A friend of mine was on comp for a year and the inside of his locker was filthy after 1 year!

By the way 5" in 13 years could be a lot worse, just think if your were in feeders!


15 more years of this!
Yah,,but not ones who wear pink night gowns like my mother had from 1971 lol lol lol
Cove, You ever listen to Bob Marley the comedian from Maine? He does a segment on this very same thing! You come home from a kegger in the woods to find Mama in her see through night gown at the top of the stairs...It's side splitting hilarious!!!


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Wow Scratch...I remember those del records! They were the new version to use if DIAD went down.. They only held like 20 bundles a page.The originals held 50..They didn't last long,remember hand writing the whole br code out many of times,what a pain in the ***** ! I gave my 34 "" belt to STUG I no longer need it either!!


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Cove, You ever listen to Bob Marley the comedian from Maine? He does a segment on this very same thing! You come home from a kegger in the woods to find Mama in her see through night gown at the top of the stairs...It's side splitting hilarious!!!
No I havn't but he sounds funny.Does he play local venues like in Portland area?


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
sounds good, next time she drags me to the maine mall i'll look for it ! i canceled ,my xm but they did have some funny stuff on there! what are yah doing home trplnk vaca??
sounds good, next time she drags me to the maine mall i'll look for it ! i canceled ,my xm but they did have some funny stuff on there! what are yah doing home trplnk vaca??
No, I've been on comp since 01/13/09. Strained a muscle in the lower right side of the back using the three point stance plus the other hand holding onto the door. I was getting in a P800 with the "higher than my knee" step. Just finished PT and start work hardening Monday for 10 days. My mind says it's time to back to work, but the body still says..oh no.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
No, I've been on comp since 01/13/09. Strained a muscle in the lower right side of the back using the three point stance plus the other hand holding onto the door. I was getting in a P800 with the "higher than my knee" step. Just finished PT and start work hardening Monday for 10 days. My mind says it's time to back to work, but the body still says..oh no.
oh thats tuff bro!! hope you heal up quick!!


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Damn, Cove check this out. He actually looks like me.
I don't sport a rainbow sticker on my tractor,but I think your a better looking guy than Mr.Phoebe Cates,too bad you didn't have her climbing out of your pool!! ALLLLLLLLLLL yhe feeder BBQ's would be at your house & would be playing Moving In Stereo...