how do you all deal with sore knees...


Well-Known Member
Try to lose that extra 30 pounds of fat like Sober is doing. The gel is found online (Amazon) and at major drug stores and inserts can be found at the "Good Feet" stores.


the grandpalooza of all you losers
Yes 1500 mgs a day.
Doctors told me that the chondroitine has never proven to help any but that glucosamine has. A bit cheaper with just glucosamine.
Along that lines of thought - cutting bread, sugar, rice and potatoes out of my diet helped to relieve the inflammation in my knees a lot - insulin causes joint inflammation. Worked for me ... don't know about you or others.

maybe all that kowtowing to your puppetmaster has taken a toll on your knees.



Just tell your on car supervisor and manager that your knees are bothering you. Ask them to reduce your paid day, and please understand that the physical pain could affect performance slightly...........Bahahahhahaha..lmao...Bhaahahaha.


Seems like I have more soreness in my knees from all of the stairs I climb than any other part of the body, including my back. I was wondering if any of you have or are taking glucosamine, or "joint juice" or any of the other dozens of products out there...if you do take something have you found that they help. I am VERY careful getting on and off the car...but since the average driver climbs 600-900 steps just getting on and off of the car, and thats not including any building or apartment steps, one can see why knees would wear out..

get off your knees:happy2:


Least Best Moderator
Staff member


I recently went to a podiatrist and got inserts. The total cost was $600, which included two visits, four x-rays, and these inserts with a lifetime guarantee. The ones you see in the store are cushions or pads, they do not support your arch like these do. The doctor heated them up and they were molded to the bottom of my feet. If my foot changes, he just has to heat them up again and refit them. I had two $20 copays and I got one bill for $57 that BC/BS didn't pay.
Shoes with rocker soles. They feel great. Sketchers, Therasoles(K Mart), Dr. Scholl's(Wal-Mart), and a few other companies makie them now. Sketchers has a pair with slip resistance soles.


Well-Known Member


I recently went to a podiatrist and got inserts. The total cost was $600, which included two visits, four x-rays, and these inserts with a lifetime guarantee. The ones you see in the store are cushions or pads, they do not support your arch like these do. The doctor heated them up and they were molded to the bottom of my feet. If my foot changes, he just has to heat them up again and refit them. I had two $20 copays and I got one bill for $57 that BC/BS didn't pay.

scratch, have you felt that the inserts have made a big you find that they help your back as well???