Retired, although you quit posting on this thread, I know you are still keeping up with it.
Don't inquire about the facts, simply assume whatever complaint is posted has merit
Are you not doing the same thing you are accusing us of doing?
As a driver, and I know I speak for many here (not all mind you but many) who take real pride in their work. Work that they know they do better than any one else.
Now there are a few, and they have posted, or should I say boasted, on what they do to shave time off the day. Much of which is against company policy or some that can get you fired.
But the average UPS driver goes out each day determined to do the best job they can.
Now, you at your whim, can change the standards from your corner office in Atlanta. And because you decree that where 112 stops a day that used to take 8 hours to deliver will now only be a 5 hour day, does that make it so? And when the driver that now has 185, which by the former standards is a 12.85 day, takes 10-11 hours to deliver it he is stealing from the company or a slacker? I take offense at that type of attitude.
My thinking is that you really have issues in dealing with what is. Maybe where you came from every driver is a thief or dishonest. But the vast majority of our drivers I would trust 100%.
Now as to the issue of getting the company to pay for the double time.
Negotiations at the local level and up are like lawsuits. They will try and settle for nothing, it is up to you to push for what is right. If they offer you to cut back on the hours if you drop your grievance, fine. If they keep their word, you have accomplished your goal.
But if they dont, and you do not follow up with more grievances and hold them to the fire and accept more empty promises in exchange for you dropping the grievances, then shame on you. You blinked and lost.
If the reason they are not pursued is because of the BA not having the balls to follow through, then get a new BA. They are elected, and you hold the key to getting rid of those that do not serve the union members. And if they do not follow through on the double time, and refuse, take the BA to small claims court and sue them for your money. Having to pay out of pocket because of breach of contract should make them sit up and take notice.
Or you could complain to the national teamsters, but dont hold your breath.