If u need tips on how to become a great loader, just ask my homegirl BB58 lol.
ask your driver....
If u need tips on how to become a great loader, just ask my homegirl BB58 lol.
The supes cut the new guys before the drivers get in.ask your driver....
Brownslave...... no but they tried to get me to cross over to the dark side and I'm trying to get some advice on how to work smarter and safer and do it without getting that lobotomy I have scheduled for Tuesday.
We ARE "team-sters" right? I'm not saying I want to be on team UPS.... but I don't think it's totally unreasonable to suggest the brother/sisterhood can work as a team. If not, the supes and mgmt win.... guys quit and the hard working experienced folks who deserve good hard workers lose.
I was gonna say you'd hate my center bc they leave the mess to the drivers daily.... but I guess thats SOP for UPS huh.They set you up for failure everyday unless you take the initiative to do the job the correct way everyday. Don't worry about being successful as a loader because you will fail. They don't care, its all about screwing the driver