I would have to agree with Rebel. We don't have enough information to really know what is going on here. He may not be doing his job as a Steward; but he may also be doing a good job just not one that the original poster is happy with. We don't really know. Alot of times as a Steward you have the job of telling members what the contract says; not what they want it to say. This isn't always popular but usually most members understand and if they don't they have a right to grieve anyway. I wouldn't criticize this Steward till I knew all the facts. He has a tough job that most wouldn't do.How long has he been a steward? How long have you been employed and what is your position? I would have to have a lot more info before I would agree on voting a steward out especially since your BA is not in agreement.
I would suggest the poster jump in and help the Steward out maybe together you can make your workplace a better place for everyone.