No, my name isnt mike
What local are you? You sound like you're in my local.Can u impeach n block a steward from ever running again? no one really wants the job, why he keeps so long, but there's 2 centers like 3 or 4 stewards. so can he be stricken from being one if enough proof and people sign to remove him. im paying union to screw me over, is what feels like.
There's a few things you can do but they arent easy. You can do all three if you like.
1. Although I forget what form to fill out, you can file with the NLRB. Somebody can chime in here.
2. Talk to your BA and hope your BA won't side with the steward.
3. Find someone you know who won't sell out the workers or nominate yourself and run against the sellout steward.