How's North Carolina TEST STATION doing??


Well-Known Member
You sound like a DEM in 2016. KARMA. U go way right. We go way LEFT. 3 REP senators in big trouble also.
The Senate stays exactly the same- Dems Lose Alabama and Mich and the Repubs lose Colorado and Arizonia. In the worst case senenio the Repubs lose Maine and North Carolina also and the Dems keep Michagan- Which means 50-50 as there is no way Jeff Sessions does not take Alabama back. When it is 50-50 Pence is the tie breaker. Trump is leading in every single swing state. He will lose the Popular vote but will actually get more electoral votes this time around
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59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
What about the business deliveries that for whatever reason show as "res" on the Astra label? I guess those would show up in the ground can as well.

I'm sure there's the possibility for error, but that information is already in the system. If you look at your ROADS labels for SO deliveries, a resi will show a 2000 commit and a business will show a 1500 commit. And when a shipper indicates that a resi address is a business, it still shows up correctly on the ROADS label as a resi.

Of the rare mixups I've had the task of correcting, only one slapped a resi commit time on a legitimate business address. It's rare either way.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Great, they've already got the language in place. But I bet they will still send out letters to customers explaining the conditions, and are doing so because lawyers told them they had to to cover themselves.

Outside of Express couriers and Ground drivers, no one really cares.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The next time they “fine tune” the terms and conditions, the language will change ever so slightly with little comment and no fanfare. What I do know is how contracts and amendments work. If you don’t have a legal degree, much of it doesn’t say what you think it says but much of it says exactly what it says and means whatever the company (and it’s lawyers) says it says.

FedEx and UPS recently reduced the limit for heavy package surcharges from 70 lbs to 50 lbs. I don't think a single soul found out about it until they got their first bill after the change took effect.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Routes will have to be collapsed and expanded, possible rebidding. The company is going to loose a lot of good employees because of the uncertainty right now. With last year's raise and this major change it just doesn't look good for Express employees right now.

I'd get out if I were you. Just saying.


Well-Known Member
Can't there be reduced hiring to replace people and give hours to those that remain? Fewer employees would save money and still protect people.
Not sure, I'm in the Test market and we've been stacking up employees for the past 6 months, I can only hope that Express has something big in the works. Maybe we'll all be deliver DoorDash, or Grubhub when we are done P1's we can deliver lunch all over the city.


Engorged Member
Not sure, I'm in the Test market and we've been stacking up employees for the past 6 months, I can only hope that Express has something big in the works. Maybe we'll all be deliver DoorDash, or Grubhub when we are done P1's we can deliver lunch all over the city.

The "Test Station" is a red herring. This decision was made a long time ago. Fred just had to weasel a way to make it happen. Done deal.


Well-Known Member
The "Test Station" is a red herring. This decision was made a long time ago. Fred just had to weasel a way to make it happen. Done deal.
We'll like everything it'll be a slow roll out, we aren't slated for LEO pads until 2024 or something like that... by then it'll be 6 yr old tech.


Well-Known Member


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Well-Known Member
The "Test Station" is a red herring. This decision was made a long time ago. Fred just had to weasel a way to make it happen. Done deal.
It was just waiting for the right time to happen. I just think they were forced to prematurely begin implementation.
It is the boards duty to maximize shareholder value.


Well-Known Member
Just checked my stops on a recent Monday: I would lose 73% of my P2 if everything resi went away (I have no idea how many were IE, signature, or DG).

On a Wednesday, I could feasibly lose 82% of my stops.

That being said, my area would grow and I'd gain business stops on my neighbor's route. Also would gain the on-calls being sent to my loop. I don't see Express going completely PT as many as said, as I'm sure Express wants to keep the 1-hour oncall window that our customers like and expect.

I'm genuinely curious how this is gonna affect me and my station. Our mgmt hasn't said a word about it, aside from mentioning what was in the news when it was first announced.
This is the stark reality. This is truly on topic. This is the hard question that pertains to all of us at Express. Better hope they restructure routes for pickups to full time day people otherwise you’re getting the minimums and going home.


Well-Known Member
This is the stark reality. This is truly on topic. This is the hard question that pertains to all of us at Express. Better hope they restructure routes for pickups to full time day people otherwise you’re getting the minimums and going home.
Since pickups are mostly later in the day you might see part timers running the sort and doing P-1 and fulltimers coming in near end of sort to do P-1 and stick around for pickups and reload. Basically trim your day at the start so that you aren't hanging around doing nothing for an hour or two everyday.


Well-Known Member
Since pickups are mostly later in the day you might see part timers running the sort and doing P-1 and fulltimers coming in near end of sort to do P-1 and stick around for pickups and reload. Basically trim your day at the start so that you aren't hanging around doing nothing for an hour or two everyday.

I was talking to a 30+ year guy about this the other day. He told me many years ago the FT couriers started around 11, only delivered P2's, and did all the Pups. The PT'ers delivered P1's and then went home. In his opinion, the company is headed in that direction again. He thinks FT couriers will still get hours, but they won't be the hours we will like. Overly optimistic in my opinion.

Seriously, as Dano said above, if you are a FT Express courier, you need to be planning your exit. This will probably take a year or two to fully implement; time to brush up your skills and be ready for what is coming.


Well-Known Member
I was talking to a 30+ year guy about this the other day. He told me many years ago the FT couriers started around 11, only delivered P2's, and did all the Pups. The PT'ers delivered P1's and then went home. In his opinion, the company is headed in that direction again. He thinks FT couriers will still get hours, but they won't be the hours we will like. Overly optimistic in my opinion.

Seriously, as Dano said above, if you are a FT Express courier, you need to be planning your exit. This will probably take a year or two to fully implement; time to brush up your skills and be ready for what is coming.
And of course every station has it's particular circumstances. As outlying areas have early cutoffs the extended routes will probably work the sort and get off earlier. But in a city most likely the part timers will be working early. Don't be surprised if they put fulltimers on splits since there's no longer split pay. If they do, as fulltimers quit or retire I'm betting they'll replace them with two part-timers. Will give them more bodies for peak and to run sick day rts.