How's North Carolina TEST STATION doing??

No. A late airplane throws a monkey wrench into Express operations. There’s going to be cut times like everything else. Ground contracts here can hold us til 9:45. Late planes that can’t be processed by then I assume would have to revert back to Express. Or they’ll just use a weather excuse like they’ve been doing for 10 years anyway. :)
It really does change how you run your routes.
Good luck Brother


Well-Known Member
FedEx is in business to make money lates mean nothing unless it costs money. This service level is just a ruse to hold over drivers head. One thing these Express drivers have stopped complaining about Ground on Facebook since they will be working there soon.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
FedEx is in business to make money lates mean nothing unless it costs money. This service level is just a ruse to hold over drivers head. One thing these Express drivers have stopped complaining about Ground on Facebook since they will be working there soon.
I’d never work at ground , sorry


Well-Known Member
Fair enough.

Ground now does 9.19 million/day. I'm not sure how much Smartpost is included. That's the last reported number from FY20 Q2.
Last I heard the capacity is double that. Of course that isn't spread evenly throughout and some areas have more than others.

Express is 6.35 million/day. Initial phase is 200k/day and should be completed by fall 2020. 3% of Express packages. The stat book and 10-q don't breakout business/resi, but the Express revenue for E2/XS is $6.40 higher per package than Ground. More money for Express and Ground.

This looks like an around win.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Ground now does 9.19 million/day. I'm not sure how much Smartpost is included. That's the last reported number from FY20 Q2.
Last I heard the capacity is double that. Of course that isn't spread evenly throughout and some areas have more than others.

Express is 6.35 million/day. Initial phase is 200k/day and should be completed by fall 2020. 3% of Express packages. The stat book and 10-q don't breakout business/resi, but the Express revenue for E2/XS is $6.40 higher per package than Ground. More money for Express and Ground.

This looks like an around win.
Except for the Express employees.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Can't there be reduced hiring to replace people and give hours to those that remain? Fewer employees would save money and still protect people.
All we can do is wait and see what happens. I don’t have high hopes for that but I’m trying to be realistic yet keep an open mind on it.


Well-Known Member
Can't there be reduced hiring to replace people and give hours to those that remain? Fewer employees would save money and still protect people.
Routes will have to be collapsed and expanded, possible rebidding. The company is going to loose a lot of good employees because of the uncertainty right now. With last year's raise and this major change it just doesn't look good for Express employees right now.


Well-Known Member
Routes will have to be collapsed and expanded, possible rebidding. The company is going to loose a lot of good employees because of the uncertainty right now. With last year's raise and this major change it just doesn't look good for Express employees right now.

I hope they don't lose good people. My sources say step progression will be the raise this October.


Well-Known Member
I hope they don't lose good people. My sources say step progression will be the raise this October.
Upper management needs to communicate some positive news for Frontline employees for once. It would go a long way to keep employees from leaving in droves. The problem is, especially with raises they never do until a month before.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
My mistake, the freight will be trucked from the origin ramp, not station.

The freight that can make service being trucked from the origin ramp will be trucked to the proper Ground terminal. Express retains the rest. For example, a resi that orginates in LA that is going to NYC.

They could also truck from LA to Memphis and fly to NYC, or fly to Memphis and drive to NYC.

When I sorted at UPS we had to learn all service levels for every zip code. Some zip codes only got ground while others could accept ground, 3 day, 2 day and air. Loaders also have to know this information but only for the trucks they load. Our only exception in sort was Early AM which were all separated even if local.

UPS flies planes out of my building with empty air cans every day because it's cheaper to drive that extra weight all or part of the way instead of flying it the total distance.