How's the view???........

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
It's officially cold in Florida.
Hell Steve, my wife gave me the cold shoulder, it was colder than that! When you get a half inch of frost on the windows it's a little cold. When you turn the key and the car says NO!, then it's just a bit colder out. When you see a dog frozen to a fire hydrant, it's officially cold out.


Retired 23 years
We had -37 below the other morning----------------------they started school 2 hours late:peaceful: pusillanimous----not you---our school leaders. I did hear that some of the districts that use bio-diesel in their busses couldn't get them running at all.
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Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
We had -37 below the other morning----------------------they started school 2 hours late:peaceful: pusillanimous----not you---our school leaders
I remember delivering to a power plant construction site on a day it hit -12. They had salamander heaters aimed under the fuel tanks of half the equipment because the diesel fuel had gelled. Bechtel was the contractor. You'd think they never worked in sub zero weather before.


15 more years of this!
Steve guts gata's, We gut Deer!
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15 more years of this!
For those of you in the warmer climates, These are the "Tools to perform your job". You use these when you are on a snow covered dirt road and you have to make room for oncoming traffic to go by. For when you move over to far and your wheels slide and loose traction you are now STUCK. This took 20 min to get out of. I saved a $300.00 tow charge!