How's the view???........


Well-Known Member
The walk of shame...


Box Monkey
It doesn't work when you have an 11 foot tall P800 and a 9 1/2 foot high railroad overpass. I know 2 drivers who have unsuccessfully attempted this technique. Also, management frowns upon this procedure.

I know exactlythe scenario you describe since one of my old routes was like that. I can verify that that would be a dumb attempt. and no I have tried that. Mine was a old P1000 and I could just get under the thing. It was one of those that hang from chains and swings.


Well-Known Member
The road is underneath the snow somewhere. I threw triple "railers" and drag chains on the trailers and dolly. Was lucky to get through it. I didn't make my destination, as dispatch turned me around.


Staff member
What a great bunch of pictures! I was starting to wonder about the lack of snow pics till I got to Rushfans.

I'll see what I can take today.

Another snow/sleet storm last night into today. Got called to come in 2 hours early. Should I......?


Well-Known Member
Here's another one from Kansas. If you look past the barn, you can see towering in the distance, a Kansas mountain.


Well-Known Member
This is where I live in Manhattan. Hidden beneath all those trees are streets and houses, one of them being mine. This area is in NE Kansas and is called the flint hills so it's not quite as flat as the rest of the state. This is what it looks like in the fall!