How's the view???........


golden ticket member
Cotton on the roadside...
Cotton in the ditch...

If that is cotton.....there are roadside cotton fields in Goodyear Arizona. With the big rubber company, cotton was needed in the tire making process.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Cotton on the roadside...
Cotton in the ditch...

If that is cotton.....there are roadside cotton fields in Goodyear Arizona. With the big rubber company, cotton was needed in the tire making process.

It's cotton. They're just starting to bloom. The farmer will harvest them in early fall. I'll try to get out there around that time and get another picture.

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Well-Known Member
Stop at Papa's Leather!! Tell Jen UPS sent you!!
Where they at heading into town today, I stay in a lodge between Hill
City and Keystone. Here's a pic from yesterday took Hwy 18 across this year to avoid the madness on I90. Glad I did it was awesome had the road to myself most of the way.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Nothing beats fresh veggies from the garden. My wife is going to cook up a batch of awesome spaghetti sauce using nothing but our garden veggies and a couple pounds of ground venison from the deer I got last fall. Mmmmmmm!



Staff member
Where they at heading into town today, I stay in a lodge between HillView attachment 15338 City and Keystone. Here's a pic from yesterday took Hwy 18 across this year to avoid the madness on I90. Glad I did it was awesome had the road to myself most of the way.

Sweet! The road less traveled.

Coming home from Florida last year, we got off the interstates and came north through Virginia on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Two hours longer, days and days prettier!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Been there, done that, never gonna do it again.
I drive a P7 with barn doors, so if I am done at a dock stop I have to pull forward a couple feet with the back doors still open and then walk back to shut them. One time as I was pulling forward the shipping clerk came running out and asked me if I could come back in 20 minutes for a few more packages. This distracted me, and after talking to the shipping clerk I forgot to get out and shut the back doors and I wound up driving half a mile to my next stop with both of them wide open. Didn't lose any packages but it scared the hell out of me so now I have a system; if for any reason I am moving the car with the back doors open, I make sure to have the bulkhead door open also. I can easily see the open BH door with my peripheral vision and it serves as a perfect reminder and makes for a good routine.

It also causes me to show up on a Telematics report, which I could care less about, but once during an OJS I had a rookie supervisor bark at me about it and order me to stop doing it. I told him it was a safety issue and that I would continue doing it whether he approved or not. He threatened to discipline me for it, and I told him to go right ahead. He puffed his little chest out and marched off to the center manager's office with an anger boner, all ready to write me up, until my center manager (who was a good one) told him to find something important to worry about.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Sometimes I will be driving and I start to wonder if my back door is closed. Most times you can look up at the monitor and see if your door is closed or not. Sometimes you can't. I just hit the bulkhead door button at a stop light and be sure. May show up on a report but have not heard anything about telematics reports in months.


Well-Known Member
PLEASE only post photos that you took and not ones that you've found on the internet. And also current pictures. Not pictures you took three years ago.
Thanks for playing. :bigthumb:

Whoa. Chill. I never said I took this. Just thought it was funny.

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