How's the view???........


Bad Moon Risen'
Had a roommate while attending UW-Madison whose family owned a mink farm in Oostburg. Those things would eat anything!
He did bring back a mink lined toilet seat one semester.


Retired 23 years
Had a roommate while attending UW-Madison whose family owned a mink farm in Oostburg. Those things would eat anything!
He did bring back a mink lined toilet seat one semester.

I worked at a mink ranch during the summers of 5th and 6th grade. I was a professional mink :censored2: shoveler. I stunk so bad at the end of the work day my Mother made me wash off and change clothes in the garage before she allowed me in the house to take a shower. It was brutal work but I made 12 bucks a day and that was back in 1959 and 1960. I was the richest kid in grade school. In fact I bought a 1957 Sears mo-ped and drove it to school while everyone else had bicycles. It was a great experience. The mink ranch was where I learned to smoke and appreciate a good smut magazine.


Well-Known Member
tough day today!


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The mink ranch was where I learned to smoke and appreciate a good smut magazine.

Nothing like a 12 year old with a pack of Lucky Strikes, a good ole' Smut mag, and their own built in stripper pole to make those long, cold, lonely ranching days go by faster!



Retired 23 years
Nothing like a 12 year old with a pack of Lucky Strikes, a good ole' Smut mag, and their own built in stripper pole to make those long, cold, lonely ranching days go by faster!
View attachment 22911


I don't even think stripper poles were invented back then---maybe some ostrich feathers and a little bump and grind. P. S. It was Winstons--stolen from my Mother--Dad didn't smoke then.

iowa boy

Well-Known Member

Heard a dog barking to my left as I was at the back of the truck and saw this guy. He was letting me know that he doesn't like UPS drivers or their trucks.

Luckily, he has an invisible fence collar on so he wouldn't leave his yard.