How's the view???........


Well-Known Member
Show is the same picture on the winter and tell us how much you like it.
Right here brother..From exactly two months ago. It sucked, but I drive safely & got it all done every day..Maybe only had like 3 EC's total.


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Well-Known Member
We have an Avon lady like that. She would get between 10-15 banded boxes yet the bid driver refused to break off to dump off her stuff so she started putting it on hold. She would send her husband to pick them up in the morning. He passed away a year or so ago and we all signed a card for her. She still puts them on hold but comes after driver start time to get them.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Portland Trail Blazers 106, LA Clippers 103. Buh-bye Clips, your season is done, now we take on Golden State. Go Blazers!