How's the view???........


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I have my Vote No signs up as usual, my Circle of Honor parking spot is right in front of the guard shack. One of our shop stewards has a better display. Just Vote No.


Got the T-Shirt
At my building you would be asked to either remove the signs or park somewhere else.

They can ask, but it's a protected activity.

What surprises me....

My Circle if Honor parking spot is right in front of the guard shack.

With all due respect to @scratch (and other Circle of Honor members)

Preferred parking, would never.... ever.... fly in my Local.

Even for major United Way donors.

There would be 100 grievances, within minutes, for discrimination.



Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Both of us have reserved parking spots because we are Circle of Honor drivers. We got them in January so it’s still kind of new. I have heard no complaints from other drivers, to the contrary it’s a perk a few drivers have told me they will aim for themselves. We don’t sell parking spots to United Way donors. We had a Driver of the Month program with special parking but our Centers never kept up with it. I keep my signs inside my vehicles so they can’t be ripped down. All our management has to park behind me and not a one has ever said anything to me about it.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Their right to protest.... is a protected activity.
Protected by whom? We also have United Way preferred parking spots. Almost all of them are FT management.Really frustrating during Peak driving around waiting for someone to leave so you can park and there all of these open reserved parking spaces. That and the guys with new pick ups who take two spots.


Never bought my own handtruck
Protected by whom? We also have United Way preferred parking spots. Almost all of them are FT management.Really frustrating during Peak driving around waiting for someone to leave so you can park and there all of these open reserved parking spaces. That and the guys with new pick ups who take two spots.
I can’t blame anyone who takes two spots in our lot. The width of the parking spaces in our lot is not to code, and a scratch or dent on your 60 grand truck by some maroon preloader could put someone over the edge.


nowhere special
I can’t blame anyone who takes two spots in our lot. The width of the parking spaces in our lot is not to code, and a scratch or dent on your 60 grand truck by some maroon preloader could put someone over the edge.
Is that how your center manager got those scratches on his new Lexus?