How's the view???........

Poop Head

Judge me.

The Mid-West farmers daughters really make you feel alright.

(she won't see this.... right ?)
I can do that.


Retired 23 years
Even though they were at Piccadilly Circus in the movie, it’s insane the driving around the Arc de Triomphe. There’s no way you could pay me to drive here recreationally. We did spot a wild package car on the way to the metro from the Eiffel Tower.
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So UPS France must be way more financially stable than UPS USA. They apparently even wash their trucks. I forgot what a clean UPS truck looks like. It sure makes for a nice company image when they are clean. It has to be almost embarrassing to drive the dirty crap trucks that run around here. Goes to show you what losers run the show here stateside. P.S. I know the European Vacation roundabout scene was filmed in London. I was educated back when geography was taught.


Well-Known Member

Noon or so...about a mile and a half up the road and facing the opposite way, the view is about 1000x better, but these people have it pretty nice too.


Gone Fish'n

Went to the Rodin museum, probably one of my favorite places yet, 25% was outside, the other 75% was inside. I seem to appreciate sculptures more than paintings.

Got a few shots of the Mona Lisa, wasn’t too bad but still mobbed.

Believe it or not, the best shots of the pyramid are from the inside. Walking up from the outside gardens it’s crammed with tour buses and people trying to take pictures.

Wife really wanted to see this, three of her other must see’s were taken off display under restoration or in other exhibitions.