How's the view???........


Never bought my own handtruck

Top of Barnegat Light house.
217 steps to the top.


My wife's uncle lived in Baltimore and that's who took us camping on Assateague Island to see the wild ponies. He passed away last month and this part of his estate made it to me last night. My mother-in-law was going to throw all this away along with a new iPad, but decided to haul those back. I'm supposed to get a firearm of some kind out of his collection but I haven't seen those yet. I'm not a fan of blended whiskey but this was free.View attachment 256414

Can you read the date on any of the tax stamps?

I bought a bottle of Ancient Age bourbon at an estate sale from 1963. Tasted nothing like the swill they call ancient age today


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Can you read the date on any of the tax stamps?

I bought a bottle of Ancient Age bourbon at an estate sale from 1963. Tasted nothing like the swill they call ancient age today
I was wondering about the age too, but no date on Maryland tax stamps or tape over the caps.


Retired 23 years
Back when you could climb up to the Statue of Liberty's crown the spiral staircase going up was REALLY steep. There was a young gal about 2 people ahead of me in a mini skirt who made my climb up worth it even more


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Cockspur Island Lighthouse, this is located next to Fort Pulaski near Savannah. During the War of Northern Aggression, Union cannon fired from Tybee Island over the top of this lighthouse to knock out one side of that fort. Its a small one, I just always liked this photo.