Trp, I don't live in Sedona. I live about 20 minutes away and we did not get one drop of rain at home. All was well at home. Not so much today in Sedona. Everywhere I went I saw emergency crews putting everthing back together. APS (electric), phone, gas, city, everyone out inspecting and repairing.
Steven, I understand your concern about taking pics while driving and I really appreciate your care and concern. Thank you. Put your mind to ease, I did miss alot of stuff. You are right of course.
These next 3 are a body shop that had a river run through it. The first one and the third one are the front and the second one is on the back side of the property. On the right side of the building in the first pic there are about a half dozen cars that were totaled in the flood. I wonder how that is going to work out. The cars come in on the owners insurance and end up on the body shop insurance.
Steven, I understand your concern about taking pics while driving and I really appreciate your care and concern. Thank you. Put your mind to ease, I did miss alot of stuff. You are right of course.

These next 3 are a body shop that had a river run through it. The first one and the third one are the front and the second one is on the back side of the property. On the right side of the building in the first pic there are about a half dozen cars that were totaled in the flood. I wonder how that is going to work out. The cars come in on the owners insurance and end up on the body shop insurance.